Welcome to my blog. I thank you for reading my poems, poetries, stories, and whatever comes to mind. Poems, poetries, stories, and whatever comes to mind are unedited writings of ideas, and the feelings. I publish them without making any changes for my readers to read them in their primal form. I would like the readers to revisit to read, if they wish, and experience the evolution of the poem, poetry, story, and whatever comes to mind. Readers comments, and perspectives are welcome.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Moments in Time
like a crusting dusting rhyme.
moments in time, thoughts for peace are hovering
to awaken the human minds, the minds that are stolen by the ideologue swines.
nothing matters as the war chatters are rattling the media lines.
the right, the left, and the moderates are becoming the slimes
and desperate like in no other time.
the games are on to strip the freedom, and to empower the warring minds.
moments in time, the human greed's are colliding, and
radicalizing the young minds to fight for the ideologue swines.
nothing has changed over time.
song, dance, and the political deliveries are the covering
to make human minds:
a warring mind
an ideologue mind
a power and control seeker mind
a paranoiac mind
an ethnocentric mind, and
worse of all a xenophobic mind.
moments in time: the sad human xenophobic renderings keep on smothering the human mind.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It is an another day like the other day
the morning has pierced into my room.
the night has passed in dreams into the space.
the matters of day are demanding a pace,
the hyper rites of the daily living
for the masters of the human race.
the planet earth is globalized,
scandalized, and
for the corporate craze.
a new form of slavery is spreading.
it has a new name: athletes of.the spectators game.
it is not called the slavery because it pays a high pay.
nevertheless the athletes are owned, bought, traded, and sold,
it is a "refined" slavery of our time.
my mind wanders, and never remains the same.
the pounding heart oxygenate, and keeps the mind sane.
the talk shows and the media keep buzzing.
buffoonery is on the rise.
it is a civilization of our time,
full with talking points.
the twitters are twitting.
the world is squeaking, and I am trying
to make sense in a world of senseless play.
it is an another day like the other day.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Obama's "To Be Sure" is Snowed
Greenspan and the "free marketeer" gangs are back.
the "democracy" is in play.
the ignorance is on display.
thirty million are to be mandated for the trickle.
insurance industry is elated.
media will get insurance commercial rain
to sooth the ignoramus pain.
the "democracy" is in play.
the ignorance is on display.
global capital raj is on the move
to mine and exploit the "human resource".
"happy" days will come soon.
McCain and Lieberman will open a saloon.
Blumberg will manage the dance floor.
Obama will enter from the back door
"to be sure" it is all fun and game in a mighty roar.
Human Behaviors Are The Flash in The Air
paced in space as they crave to rave...
masquerade to live...
to seek their primal need.......
evolution yet to take it's root in matters design
to flow in universe in sublime.
human behaviors shine through piercing eyes
seeking the unknown yet to be found.
the clouds form to bring the rain to claim the ground
only to seek the cloud and rain.
nothing matters that matters surrounding the human behavior chatter.
behaviors are sharpen in deeds, creeds, and life's melodies
to shape the matter yet get shaped by the matter.
human behaviors are the flash in the air.
particles simmer
ions dimmer the renderings of all times in time.
human behaviors rhyme in hallow space
to pace the rolling space
to move in the endless space in endless time.
human behaviors are the flash in the air,
an ionic trace.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Just
a mind game of the insecure living.
the dynamite, the noble prize,
a token, is full of just intrigues.
the just is defined and confined
by the power moral dictum of it's time.
brains are quashed by it's ignorant bearers.
the ignorance is perpetuated by the political, and
economic 'just' design.
the just is defined on cultures incline,
a power sublime.
the rationale, the just
the reason, the just
the gods, the just
the just has names of many claims.
the just has become an intellectualized servitude.
the just is politicized to gain the latitude,
the politics of poltical 'just' reign.
the just is a crust and full of rust,
a mind game of insecure living......
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Living is A Dream
dream while awake.
the minds drifts are sardonic
like no other then passing time.
the wind blows in the darkness of night
bringing the howling sound piercing the ground.
the stars are moving from the reclusive sight
to mingle with the universe in a rebound.
it is the dream that keeps the brains alive.
the minds are occupied in chatters,
twitters, and technocratic panorama,
a lonesome living drama.
presumptuous patronizing surrounds
the humanities, a genomes deadening disease.
brain sparkles to lift itself to rise like the mountain's peak and
the ocean's roaring grace to embrace the living away from
the mind's sardonic drifts.
it is all a dream..............
The Life
it was calm
it was serene
the snow was falling, and
filling the ravine.
I sat and watched
the matters romance
as the flakes kissed the
trees and the ground.
the wind was blowing
my mind was racing and pacing
in the wilderness of planet's cashing
it was a moment
I did not know what is to write
the calm
the quiet, and
the serene warped my feelings, so I thought.
I wanted to hear the chatter
the soap
to break the silence
then the mind found what matters:
a love of life into the horizon
passed the chatter
into the arms of a loving embrace
to dream......
it is a dream that matters.
no, says the heart to dream
heart desires the real not the dream.
dream is an illusive matter that
evades the real matter
the matters of life
the matters of breathing, loving, talking life.
a real life is what heart desire
not a pontificated life
not an opinionated life
not an ideologue life
not a waring life
not a flowery life
not a lexicographic life
not a choreographic life
not a controlling life
not a subjugating life.
a real life is what the heart desire.
a real life
a feeling life
a loving life
an embracing life.........
I stood, and felt light
simmering breeze passed me by
the alarm awakened my sleeping mind, and I raced
into the living life.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Good Question
now I am awake.
in dream (what I remember now) I saw the ocean with
no obstacles in between...........
the people had decided not let the
high rises build to obstruct the view, and
the city planners had agreed to heed.
it is a dreaming drama,
a drama of my empowerment, and
wishful desires and thinking!!!
in dream, near the ocean, I saw a women
who had joined me to see the ocean view.
now I am awake, and I know
that she has been gone from this world a long time ago.
it is a dream.
dreaming world's matters are
mysterious, and
full of disconnects in between.
the brain is free to roam in dream, and
it does..........
so, what is this all about?
is it about the living,
the life,
the love,
the sleep,
the dream,
the empowerment, and
the awakening?
if it is, then why do we call it a dream?
now I am typing what happened while I was asleep:
I am awake and breathing well,
feeling relaxed,
just had a glass of water.
body has no major aches and pains
that can not be stretched out with some simple stretch.
so, what is the problem?
a good question................
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Mind Wanders.....
are circling, wandering, racing, debasing, and
changing in every moving incline.
the moving dimensional arches of universe bark
are chaotic charts, and
so are the human minds
shaking, wobbling, in wondrous space
making nothing of everything in nothing
that stays the same.
mind's desire to find a stable state
is a mirage and a camouflage in space,
a delusional mind's streak.
mind's hallucinations are many:
the romance, the dance, and
the songs are the calls of the universe
to pace as we burst into space
to glance the transparent starry race
never to fade, mind's desire.
my legs cramped while mind was in space
the electrolyte buzzed to show what is at stake
I must heed the body to be in space.
mind wonders, and wanders ..........
Thursday, December 3, 2009
In Sadness And Sorrow Mind Wanders
by waring clowns
in the name of high moral grounds.
the planet resources are depleted
by financial insatiated needs, and
"free market" hounds.
the rest are besieged by their daily needs, and
are seeking solace in "peace and love"
making peace and love culprit in deceit.
what is left to heed for human creed?
in sadness and sorrow mind wanders.........
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Gravity of Life's Insecure Needs
to sublimate the
primal psychological
lonesome traits
in a vast planet space.
life is racing
an unknown race in space
filled with insecure
primal genomes
to secure it's place
in a vast, and some time
desolate planet space.
to secure a place
in an unknown space
imagination sprouts, and
builds it's case.
imagination flourishes
to fill the psychological, and
biological needs
to solace the insecure living.....
food and romance bring relief
to a long struggle of
human living streak.
the needs of security,
food, and romance
become the primal commodities
for trade to seek power and control
to secure the insecure needs.
the social evolution rolled
the religious gamete roiled
the land grabs hailed
the regimes emerged
freedom traded and controlled
rest is the history of human life
on planet earth as it roiled and coiled.
there is nothing profound
in what we seek......
except the profundity of
control seekers rise, and
the mass demise of the populous
demonstrates the
gravity of life's insecure needs
are creeping in human creed.
Monday, November 30, 2009
"Civil Society" For Now It is A Human Mind's Word Game
a misnomer,
the creation of a
self-congratulatory mind,
a mind fearful of it's own kind.
human mind,
a derogatory rhyme.
human mind,
a predatory slime.
human mind,
a waring mind.
human mind,
a colonial mind.
human mind,
a feudal mind.
human mind is
a falsified mind
deluged in it's
glamor, the art,
and the clamor
to cover it's
fear of the unknown.
human mind
builds, and
magnifies it's reach
to circumvent it's out of reach,
the unknown.
the "civil society" is
a glamorized self-congratulatory mind hype
to camouflage the mind's fear rites,
the human mind.
the philosophy,
the psychology,
the religious rites, and
the like are the projectiles
of human mind
playing the lexicographical
word game to cover the mind's
ego reign.
"civil society" a noble aspiration,
for now it is a human mind's
word game,
a political game,
a controlling game.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Life's Normalcy is Contrived And Defined
contrived in the social living
in a plan for a contrive gains
for the garbs, the grabs, and the harps.
life's power to breath free
has been diminished by the decrees
of the garbs, the grabs, and the harps.
rule of laws are promulgated
to seal the decrees of the garbs, the grabs, and
the harps.
the heart beats, and
the mind conjures to free itself
from the garb, the grabs, and the harps.
the webs of political ploys of the grabs,
the religious games of the garbs, and
the media harps of the grabs and the garbs are the norms.
the freedom is defined by the grabs, the garbs, and
the harps.
the security checks,
the credit checks,
the communion checks
are just a few controlling checks
designed by the grabs, the garbs, and the harps.
freedom is traded and confined
freedom no where to be found
the grabs, the garbs,and the harps abound
life's normalcy is contrived and defined.
life's matters have to wait
until the life enters the planetary race
to cradle the matters as matters
evolve in expanding space.......
away from the social contrived disgrace.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Living Calender
as mind wonders and wanders.
blood in vein run in dismay to find the living calender....
how the human mind becomes corrupt?, and
how the products of the corrupt mind become the norm?
the minds matters that matter are losing the potency
while the corrupt is becoming the norm of decency.
my mind wonders and wanders in space,
answers evade, and multiply in shades.....
corrupt is a corrupt defense and compromised formations
rationalized to control the the insecure mind before it's time.
cells multiply from single to multiple drills.
mind is mesmerized, first by the mysteries of the darkness in the cave
then through the ages into the cyberspace.
there are platforms, and the controllers the beneficiaries.
cyberplatforms are out in cyberspace
spinning and weaving like the spiders webs
reaping the benefits nurtured by the alienated living,
an outcome of corrupt robes, strolls, scrolls, and rolls.
hungry minds with alienated rhymes are waiting
to be fished by the platform designs and the designers,
the new calculating masters of our time.
it is the corrupt power play,
the game of insecure minds
an inbred of the natures design,
the food chain to survive.
rest is the evolutionary slight
tempered by the corrupt mind.
there came the fossil fuel rise
the new power design,
the political crime.
the beltways, and
the highways are built
to by pass the humanity
to enshrine the new divinity,
the monetary econ line.
my mind wonders and wanders.....
there is no relief from the false splendor
of human calender............
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Denial of My Conscious Permeates Deep into My Sleep
filled with silence......
makes it's way
in the silence
of night.
the conscious mind
has given it's way.
the silence sizzles
like a rain forest drizzle.
sleep takes it's way
as I sleep away
into the night.
there are no clouds
no rainbow
no flowers
no song and dance to show.
it is the sleep that
frees me from the shows
that conscious mind so desire
in conscious spree.
I sleep, sleep, and sleep
into the planetary shore
where body and mind are light
mixed into the matters sight.
in sleep the aroma that I sense
the sight that I see
the feeling that simmers
deep in my heart's clevis
is what my heart desire.
my imagination is baffled
that how could it be?
not to desire
the conscious spree
the denial of my conscious
permeates deep into my sleep.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Human Flamboyant Matters
are flamboyant with flamboyant memory
that has nothing to do do with
human matters luminary memory.
the human matters on planet earth
with their flamboyant memory have
built flamboyant states, institutions, and cuisines.
the flamboyant cuisines are
with ingredients
hiding in mystery
with a delectable taste, and
seasoned over time
crapped in plate
to serve
the other human matters
visiting the flamboyant cuisine
in compressed dress
with no luminary memory of their own
are here to enjoy the flamboyant cuisine.
it is a flamboyant cuisine
with a flamboyant memory that
had nothing to do with luminary memory.
while the flamboyant earthly human matters are
mingling and playing the flamboyant tune
evolution is gearing to take the
human matters back to the planetary space
in matters of time
to awaken the spacey flamboyant human matters
to their luminary memory
which they lost as they crashed
into the planet earth.
the memory of the
planetary matter that
matters is shattered........
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Trauma That Lingers A Life Time
brain takes shocks
membranes shatter
the matters move
life makes a change
before it's time.
mind confabulates, and
makes efforts to survive.
life is misjudged, misplaced, and
mind contradicts
with the norms of it's time.
a trauma of traumatic brain injury
lingers a life time.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mind Wonders
at a pace that I do not know
it comes to rest at it's race
at it's time, and
at it's place.
the sleepy eyes crave for a sleep
yet sleep evades
the imagination takes it's place
out in space
there are romance and dance
among the misgivings of the living prance.
the faith
the blessings, and
the spiritual craze
are keeping my mind at blaze.
my mind wonders and wanders
I do not know what is to know at moments in time
but I do know
that the words shade, crate, and derail my silence.
the silence is:
what I desire from the wondrous fire.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Sound, And The Sounds
the simple sound
the loud sound
the sound...
the human sound
the talk sound
the discourse sound
the sound....
the tendinitis sound
the throbbing sound
the thundering sound
the sound.....
the drum beat sound
the hum sound
the distance sound
the sound......
the humming sound
the ranting sound
the chanting sound
the sound.......
the chewing sound
the biting sound
the trickling sound
the sound........
the stream sound
the hill sound
the fall sound
the sound.........
human chatter sound
the radio sound
the T.V. sound
the sound bite sound
the sound..........
the matter's sound
the evolving sound
the disseminating sound
the sound...........
the dissemble sound
the disassemble sound
the sobbing sound
the sound............
the hounding sound
the rounding sound
the grounding sound
the sound.............
the meeting sound
the greeting sound
the laughing sound
the sound..............
the crawling sound
the scribbling sound
the trembling sound
the sound...............
the dynamite sound
the bomb sound
the romp sound
the sound................
the myopic sound
the manic sound
the depressed sound
the sound.................
there are so many sounds.
some are old sounds, and
some are new sounds like
the value sounds
the bar sounds
the sounds..................
the sounds
human history sounds
the matter's mystery sounds
the sounds...................
the sounds
the gravitating sounds
the reverberating sounds
the mind sounds
the sounds....................
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Matter's Shinning Reign
the blood in the vein is matter's shining reign.
it rushes through the veins and hearts, and
the oxygen flows to the matters of brain
life comes alive
the dreams, and the imaginations arise
to align with the moon, the sun, and the stars.
the moods sway as the matters swirl in space.
the ocean's tides are tide with planet's sequel,
the matters glide into the racing universe.
the heart beat rhymes with the matter's primal sound,
the asynchronous synchrony
the nature's symphony.
Where The Sanity Lies, And The Insanity Begins
the world in it's crusty underground caves
is making the nuclear dust that kills.
the killing has become the game, the norm.
some kill by bombs
some kill by suicide explosive belts
preaching goes on
in church, temples, synagogues, and mosques
all in the name of an illusive divine named God.
states are created, self interest groups are formed
all in the name of doing the so called right thing.
the right thing is to build the domineering and subjugating reigns,
the states game.
the non-profits, the foundations are building the markets.
monopoly money is on the rise.
consumerism is the name of the progress.
is it a progress? or
is it the end of the time?
I wonder where the sanity lies, and the insanity begins.
the mass is occupied as ever with their daily needs.
some are better than others.
nevertheless, they are the mass
under the thumb of the needs to feed.
monopoly money rise, the gift of bailout game of our time.
I wonder where the sanity lies, and the insanity begins.
Dow rise.......
at the same time unemployment and poverty rise.
education is schooled, modularized, and commercialized.
matters of the universe are capitalized, and
owned by the corporate giants, the products of monopoly money.
I wonder, wonder, and wonder
where the sanity lies, and the insanity begins.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Diva The Divine
the age of romance is alive and well
in hearts of my friends at the digital sight
the soma's love nectar slither's in their words as they write
like an aged red wine that becomes intoxicating
as it touches the lips of a desirous divine
the rhymes they write opens their hearts
their passions rise as they make lover's call
in sadness and sorrow the lovers are missed as they move on.............
I write about the matter
the matter it is that makes the diva the divine
here is my call for the diva, the divine:
oh, my diva come and share the wine with your desirous lips
let our eyes meet as we seep into each others arms
talk less and feel more as we submerge our passions in one
let the matters of all maters roil our hearts
moment's matter of all matters will come to serenade
our journey into the planetary stride
as we embrace to free each other in heart and mind.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
In Endless Space And In Endless Time
the shrill of planetary grove tap in my spine
to think, to feel the ongoing saga of planetary rhyme
in endless space, and in endless time
thoughts ramble
hearts tremble
minds scramble,
the ionic matters of :
being, and
of what it is, and
what it could be.
there is a time for romance
there is a time for song and dance
there is a time for hope that has no rope
there is a time to flow and grow
there is a time to feel the Autumn breeze that frees the soul
there is time for sadness and sorrow
in sadness and sorrow do not despair, the happiness will follow in pair
as I journey into the endless space and in endless time
my thought rambles
my mind scrambles the ionic matter
that beats my heart
in searching the matters of time..........
in endless time
in endless space
in endless rhyme
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Morning After 2008 November Election
the sun is rising
the thoughts are still jarring.
the feelings are raving
the radio is buzzing
the market is crawling
the war is razing.
Blumberg has won with less than five percent
with hundred million of monopoly money.
Republicans are raving the win in Virginia and Jersey
Democrat with all their majority still debating
how to slice the health care bite
Lieberman is worried about the health care industry
under the disguise of a liberal face.
the fog is lifted
the sun is rising
but my mind is hazing
to see the duplicity craze.
the ocean
the land, and
the mountain are
the depth
the surface, and
the high
the guide posts
for the living, growing, and
the congruency of ideal, and
the real are foggy
though nature has lifted the fog
the mind remains clogged.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Matter's Primal Sound
until it is known as a life's stream.............
as I was sitting in my home
listening to my heart's beat.
my mind wonders away,
in my thoughts stream.
the heart beat, a sound.
the sound is a sound,
the "inorganic" sound,
an echo, my rational mind says.
it is the sound,
the matter's sound,
a primal sound, my poetic
imagination glazed:
it is a primal sound
coming from the
silent matter emitting
primal sound in silence.
there are sounds that we may not hear.
there are sights that we may not see.
does this mean that they do not exist?
in my belief inclusive of
rational and logical inference beliefs or
hypotheses that science tries to test every day...
I believe that there is a primal sound in every matter
in silence.
the science is not there yet to
test the matter's primal sound
but will be there
in a matter of time.
until then:
it is the poet's imagination, and the
the poet's dream is what will do
to satisfy our yearling to hear
the matter's primal sound in earnest.
the matter matters, and the matter has a sound,
a primal sound that beats in every heart
of a living being.
there is a life in the matter's primal sound.
how much life do we have in our own selves
depends on how much matter's primal
sound do we have in our
body and in our vein
emitted by matters
like dopa, serotonin, and
the rest of the matters in
the making of what we are, and
what we become.
it is the silent primal sound
that craves the life, the love,
the passion, and the desire.
it is the silent primal sound,
that empowers the affinity
among the beings.
the silent primal sound permeates
in every music
in every art, and
in every living being.
So, I end my prose, the poem, the poetry, and
whatever comes to mind: the matter of heart and mind,
in silence.
copyright, and all rights reserved.
Matters Silent Sound
the forest is silent,
as I wondered into the forest.
I heard the drip, drip, drip
the dripping sound
followed by a sound of silence
a sound of synchronous round
free from asynchronous that bounds the mind.
it is the first note of nature's symphony
in a sound of silence, a primal sound.
the forest breaths in silence, and
is listening the primal sound in silence
the sound in silence that
permeates in silence
in every matter that
sprouts life in silence.
the matter's silent sound
is the sound that beats in every heart
to sprout life.........
a simple secret of matter's sound
making life to go around
no will
no skill
no drill
no mastery
it is a silent artistry, the matters sound
free from mind's shrills.
the silence is the simple secret of life,
a matter's delight.
the forest has seen the light
it is coming alive
with every sound
from a tree top to
the bottom of a meandering stream
roaring to meet the ocean
in a matter of time
to tell the story
of matters silent sound.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Lexicographic Spheres
it is a molecule stride
the chemistry of romance is in the dancing mood
matter trembles, and shakes it's way to collide
making a planetary moon night.
the lexicographic spheres are all around
lighting the passions of desirous minds
some in faith
some in devotion
some in dream
some in illusion, and
some in hallucination scream
are making the way in a planetary hollow space
the heart throbs
the brain quivers
the matters glitter
among the confluence of congruence
the matter finds the love of divine
the chemistry shines
the tears flow
reminding a moment in time
as they fall on the rock
mixing with the streaks of mass
touching the ground beneath
to be one with matter the divine.
The Mine: The Matters Ultimate Design

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Matter's Desirous And Passionate Domain

I am doing nothing that matters the least.
walking, stumbling, and rambling
are the thematic routine for the day.
the matters are doing their relay.
the deer are running to save their lives.
the hunters are in their four wheel drives.
life is chasing the hunters in over drive.
the hunt is on in the planetary reign.
the life's games in ionic terrain
are shaping the universe for the hunting game.
the day gets the brighter sun and it's rays
as it aroused the matters to play.
I, the matters destined crown is the ego game
is being awakened to do it's round.
I and the matter are one and the same
the dopa, the serotonin, and the rest
are the game.
I is a matter's composite name,
a desirous and passionate domain.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
World Hunger And It's Genome
how to seed?
in a world of cowardly deeds?
political minds are feeding, and
seeding the misdeeds.
religiosity and the extremism
have become the human creed.
how to feed?
how to seed?
in a world of profiteering
from the feed and the seed.
how to feed?
how to seed?
in a world of schooling
that teaches the drilling,
the technocratic curling, and
spreading ignorance
in the name of education spree.
the brain is snaring and daring but is slow
to feed and the seed
as it evolves among the deafening
monopoly money pomp and shows, and
the extremists holy grills.
what is to do?
the question is ringing
in a hollow space
to keep up with the profiting race.
how to feed?
how to seed?
the peace seed
in insecure
human minds feed.
is it time to drop the question?
and wait for the evolution to do it's deed, or
join the money gamers and their deed.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A New Spree: Longing For The Unseen
the rain is drumming the tin roof
in an asynchronous dripping shrill.
the forest is awake.
the wind is calm.
the silence is broken in tandem in time
with every rain drops falling in random,
the nature's music is in play.
inside the house the washing machine is doing it's thing.
it is a machine, a lifeless technical machine.
the machine is hooked up to the electrical outlet.
the electricity is coming from the nation's grid.
it is like the cow's milk is coming from the grocery store
you do not know it's source,
it's a game of living relay.
the rain is picking up it's stream.
the clouds are circling in their menacing spree
to soak the forest before it snows.
the winter is coming.
the rain is falling.
the machine is doing it's thing.
life in Adirondack is not what it used to be.
life now is a twitter's twit, and
a facebook friendship regime.
facebook life is to follow people you don't know, and
let yourself being followed by those you have never seen.
it is a new syndrome of the upcoming human lving spree.
it is interactive and better than TV, so to speak.
now at least you can write and read, and
twit, and make friends whom you may never meet.
a 21st century longing for the unseen.............
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A World of Many Things Made of The Same Thing: The Matter.
it is a strange world
it is a goofy world
it is a world of craze
it is a warring world
it is a peace loving world
it is a business world
it is a world of greed
it is a mafia world
it is a world of hypocrite
it is a world of buffoons
it is a world of saints
it is a world of Buddhas
it is a world of suicide bombers
it is a world of atom bombers
it is a world of science
it is a world of matter
it is a genomic world
it is a world of healers
it is a world of killers
it is a world of good deeds
it is a world of talk shows
it is a world of commercials
it is a world of many things
it is not a world of the same things
it is a moving world
it is a world of revolution
it is a world of evolution
it is a changing world
nothing profound
it is a world of love
it is a world of hate
it is a world of contradictions
it is a world of confusion
it is a world of sea of holy
it is a world of holy grail
it is a world of bloodshed
nothing profound
it is what is:
it is a world of hounds
it is a world of marry go round
it is a world of many things
but made of the same thing: The Matter.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Life of Mind
the beauty of your own, and worry less.
life of mind is too short for anything else.
the mind is clogged by the living renderings.
the brain is evolving, and
fighting the renderings,
the mind's short falls,
the insecure living.
it is the mind's failing not to realize
what is around, and what it is to be.
it is the evolving breeze that is around
to lift the brain into the stars
to intertwine with the swirling
planetary play
beyond the living renderings,
the worrying cause.
so, enjoy, and worry less
the life of mind is too short for any thing else.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hunger is Torture
Geneva convention protects waring tortures, and
does not consider hunger a torture.
Geneva convention is bound by the rule of law, and
hunger is not in convention's content claw.
similar fallacy reigns at human rights council.
freedom from hunger is not a human right in council's call.
deprivation of life, liberty, and property
is considered human rights violation.
food deprivation causing billions go hungry
is not considered rights violation.
aren't we "humane", "smart", and "civilized"?
the talk of moral danger is nothing but a hallo talk.
a duplicitous talk
a hypocrite talk
a morally repugnant talk
an airways meaningless song and dance
the journalist editorial game.
hunger is a torture.
the States, the UN, the Rights watchdogs, and
the their politics of hunger are complicit, and
so are the rest of us.
Here And Now
neither skips it's natural desire to be.
it is my heart that desires to sleep and dream
to be awaken to seek the passion that is to be.
the planet earth is a place it is to be.
to desire the life that it is to be.
the imaginary fancy is nothing but a fancy.
life is now, or it is never to be.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Fallen Water
they fall with grace.
there is no regression trace.
the water falls fall, and
with every fall they roar and flow
in never ending passion to grow.
the fall, no matter how high and the steep,
is no deterrent to the flow, and to grow.
the fallen water meanders
in and around the mountains, and the valleys.
the fallen water rejuvenates life
as it moves, seeps, and springs.
the fallen water, never asks for anything but
to flow, and with every flow to seep, spring, and grow.
the fallen water..........
an authentic scene.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Freedom From Hunger is Not A Human Right?
freedom from hunger is not a human right.
hunger has no wall street power, and no voting right.
billions go hungry in our time, and
the political drama of human rights goes on.
states accuse each other for human rights violations
while ignoring their own rights violations.
no bailout for the hungry is in sight.
where is the human rights council for the freedom from hunger?
where are the political human rights activists to free the planet from hunger?
where are the states playing the human rights game?
oh, I forget that the states are warring the extremists, and
the extremists are warring the states and spreading ignorance.
who is to care about the billions going hungry every night?
oh, I am wrong again not to know that there are do gooders, and
the UN game players trickling down their alms for the hungry.
isn't amazing that as the billionaires grow, and
the trickle down alms grow so grows the hunger?
is there some connection and complicity in all of this?
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Reality
flights of dreams have mesmerized the dreamers of the dream
the reality the real has masterminded the real what it is to be
what if the real were the dream, and the dreams were the real?
would the world be a better place than what we have seen?
the reality of our time is a polarized dichotomous devilish scene
the choices are bipolar alike the depressed and the manic high heels
is it all natural like a day and night bipolar drama making or breaking our day? or
is it the unnatural that has been with us so long that it seems natural to be?
am I losing to my dream? or
dreaming to be me in a surreal world that was meant not to be
the stars are shining as they are free from their broken dreams.
it is the dream then must be the real not the reality as seen.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Life Beat
the blood flow slows
the life simmers and cajoles
the brain is awakened to count the race
the race of life to another space.
the evening moves to take it's place
the life's dream makes a sojourn to ripe
with every air flow, and in every sight
what a momentary stride can bring to life.
life is a pace in a planetary wobble
to fill the unfilled hallo universe
with matters of life in planetary space.
a simmering thought that rings in the moving brain
filled with imagination that sprouts, shouts, and
makes it's case to be heard to decipher the living
drama of our time: a meaningless chatter of all time.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thoughts Solid As Rock
thoughts race leaving no room for the grammar grace
Patanjali ticker flickers seep through the grammatical rock
disturbing the meandering thoughts.
brain renders thoughts
pantajali wants the grammar rock,
the rules disturbing the thought.
meandering thoughts gives no thought, and
keeps on rocking like a solid rock.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Spiders And The Humans
I wandered around the barn
in search for something to do, and
saw a spider doing it's run, the spider run.
disturbing the spider's run is not what I wanted to do
so I moved on thinking......
the spiders and the humans have a lot in common.
both spiders and humans grin and spin.
both have propensity to trap,
and kill to eat.
some spiders are venomous, and
so are some humans.
spiders and humans both are creative, and
destructive at the same time.
species shape and size differ yet characters
remain the same.
one is not any better than the other.
I left the barn, and
went out to do my run, the human run.
knowing well that the spider is doing it's run,
the spider run.
run nevertheless..........
Saturday, October 10, 2009
It Is Not A Time For Hope Alone
it is not a time for motivational clone.
it is not a time for the revelation of divine.
it is a time for searching the inner core
divinity of yours and mine.
it is a time for a change to change
the waring mindset that has derailed
the civilizations over time, again and again.
it is a time for a change in the mindset
that promotes:
the ignorance
the greed
the cruelty
the hypocrisy
the religiosity
the waring state
it is a time for a change to change.
it is a time not for hope alone but for a change to
change the waring mindset.
it is a time for searching the inner core divinity of
yours and mine that could make the world divine
not the waring crime.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Political Bating
the backstage meeting
the privilege seating
the V.I.P coding
sponsor cajoling
ego bating
the time square rating
the congress seating
the U.N. bashing
any and all remaining
political manipulating
racing the airways, and
the by ways of our time.
noble dynamite prize is in the news.
noble politics is live and well.
wall street is rising again.
the profits are privatised.
the loses are socialize.
the political games of our time are
no different than any other time.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Human Brain
is it a planetary mass to evolve, and
to ravel the science to open the space?
it is a drain as it has slain under the mind's game.
it is an evolving mass as it has embarked
on planetary terrain.
the brain, one of the most evolved mass
filled with historic evolving pain, a genomic game.
the evolving mass rescued the brain from it's own pain
only to be taken over by the devotional mind games.
the church, the temples, the synagogue, the mosque's
played the mind game
mesmerized the populous
controlled the brain
waged religious wars, and
the rest is the history of gain and slain
played under the camouflage of ideals and
devotional game.
the brain mass insists to continue to evolve
in spite of insecure mind games
bringing hopes and resolves
to search the space, and
reduce the mind's spite, and
pollutant craves.
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Time
there will be a time, and
there is a time.
it is the time nevertheless
in it's immortal play it remains the same.
was, will, and is are nothing but grammatical travesty.
time like a hawk watches
the universe ions
as the ions change
to reign the universe
in every moment
only to change the reign
to traverse the planetary race.
nothing stays the same
except the time and it's reign.
rain is falling in time to savor the time.
the ions are setting the pace.
my heart is throbbing to seek
the beauty with ionic grace.
my mind is racing as rain stops, and
calm returns to see the rainbow
a guidepost of passionate colors of
heart's desire permeating in the
splendor of an unknown love
in time to come.
Momentary Malaise
it is time for a change.
don't ask, it is already arranged.
the leaves are making a change
to seep into the universe membrane
like no other passionate ingrain.
the leaves and the colors are one and the same.
the leaves are falling in unison with grace.
the forest has blossomed for it's fall's delight
in preparation for the coming wintry nights.
oh, how my heart desires to hold the beauty in sight
only to be reminded that it is the change that nature prides.
the moments are passing by..........
the nature's beauty is spreading
only to change in every passing moment, and to change again.
nothing will hold the nature's play.
the cloudy gloomy day
will stay no longer than it's momentary play.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Body: The Matters Design
skates and scales the planetary ride.
the beauty of the dusty, crusty, sun rays
spreading across the horizon.
the simmering breeze flows
to bring the body the life of passion,
the matter desire.
the body the matter's design
a lofty design
a crafty design
it is a design
to master the planetary race
in it's evolving grace.
the body the matter's design
has purpose in mind
in it's every particle grind
to be, and evolve
in expanding universe resolve.
the body the matter's design
cajoling the nerves the matter
scattered in matter's mind
as it takes ride in a solar delight.
The Helium Grace
the particles of all kind mixing up and around
the moon, the mars, and the varied solar sparks
are crating the matter up in the sky.
the dust bowl, the hauling of solar scrolls lighting up
the planetary space.
the matter the mind's guiding post is being a host
to witness the speeding encrypting race.
it is the matter that matters in all matters
in every ions scattered to fold and unfold
in the planetary evolution to meet the goal
to continue the continuum of expanding universe
for now and forever in the helium grace.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Money Moguls of Our Time
the recession is digging it's heel.
the money moguls are doing well.
they are protected by the loopholes,
the rule of the law, and the GOP.
insurance monopoly is out of reach.
the big banks are stabilized by Paulson scheme.
the wall street is off again to play the securities, and
the derivative game.
G-20 has vowed to "fix" the economy.
money moguls are happy once again.
this is just an another day.
no different than the other day.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Short Human Mind History on Planetary Plain
defined and redefined, just like all other words.
the dawn, and the dust are serene in their ravine.
the birth and the death are not as clear and pristine.
the minds and the thoughts render premise slots
to define and redefine the words over time.
there is no profundity in defining the concepts of mind.
the needs, the wants, and the unknown paths carve
the grounds for defining the concepts of mind, so it seems.
the mind a product of evolving defining moments
has it's own design embedded in living political stream.
birth and death are two momentary events
propelling life in two spheres.
the one is known to mind as the mind deems it to perceive,
the other is a mystery of it's kind.
the "known" and the mystery sets the tone
for the living political stream.
the religion, the state, and the rest of political reigns
play the life's poker game.
the winners define the game, and
the losers lose their fame.
the birth and the death are two words
the poker winners are defining the words names.
humans are getting what is expect from a gambling game:
a gambling mind with compulsion surreal surname, and
lots of Los Vegas song and dance, and desert mirage.
a short human mind history on planetary plain.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Falsehood of Living Screen
that planetary ride is a scream.
wobbling stars conjure
universe cajoles and spreads it's move
in every living being as their hearts beat.
songs are cradled in every planetary ravine
to be sung to fill every heart day and night,
now and then in every moment of the day.
I woke up from the dream land, and
viewed the media screen.
the songs on the screen are shallow.
the talks on the screen are mean.
the business of life is treacherous.
united nation is playing the political game.
wall street is breeding the gamblers.
states are plotting the war games.
nothing has changed since the last time I was awake.
I sleep, and I dream
that planetary ride is a scream.
only to be awakened to the falsehood of the living screen.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Progressive Evolution Play
through the conflicting chatter of the day.
the chatter of the day sounds no different
then what it was the other day.
greed and economic war fares are on display.
media lies are spreading.
ignorance is creeping like a plague.
xenophobia is digging in deep to
surface every where like a heap.
human values are devalued
in the name of value game.
the right, and the left
inner conflicts are on a rampage
like no other seen in recent days.
among all the conflicts, polarities and confusion
there is hope, and a directional leap.
the chatter sound of the day is changing.
the progressive thoughts are flowing.
thoughtful feelings of care are taking root.
survival of the fittest has a progressive clay.
the progressive evolution is in the play.
human minds are conflicting minds like volcanic divides
sharing in common to free up the pent up Fahrenheit
to grow, to flow, to cool, and to reach.
a progressive yearning to be,
and reach out is what it takes
for a life to live and survive.
survival is not a bravo game.
survival of the fittest has a progressive clay.
the progressive evolution is in the play.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Destiny An Obsolete Name
neither thoughts nor feelings are on constant plain.
the change is the life's rule.
it is no gain or a strain.
the constant move is the simple rule.
the universe is on the move.
the change is the planetary game.
making destiny an obsolete name.
The Matter It Is....

Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Nomads
the sorrow
the pain
the pleasure
the sense
the sensation
the mind
all are nothing
but nomads
in the universe
clustered in
bodies of spheres,
the matter.
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Darkened Land
the face I missed.
the holding of hands slipped.
the distance kept us apart.
time filled the void.
life took the voyage.
to a far far distance land.
a land where......
the shores were sparkling.
the mountains were majestic.
the rivers flowed deep and wide.
the springs were plentiful.
yet among all it's beauty
the land was in a perpetual war
with itself, and unsatisfied.
the machines were rampaging.
pollution was growing.
acid rain was spreading across the sky.
chemicals were polluting towns, and
the peoples mind.
the land was getting darkened by the day.
it was a disheartening sight.
the voyage came to an end,
so I sat, ruminated, and cried once again
for a loss of an another love.
Feelings, Thoughts, And Absurdities
a mind filled with the logic race.
I felt, and found
the passion that I had never felt before.
once my feelings were subdued
by technocratic meanderings,
and acculturated cuddling.
I moved with grace, and
stood tall in a lifeless race.
I had become a thoughtful
walking schooled robot,
a rationalized charcoal slate.
the life moved, and brought
not one but two unexpected rewards.
feelings returned, the love graced, and then
I became afraid of what I saw around me.
the nations are waring.
the religions are preaching not talking
the bigotry is roaming from shore to shore.
education is losing, and schooling is taking hold.
the science is funneled into making bombs.
the good science is monopolized, packaged, and sold.
the wall street is packaging false securities, and
dangling the hallow derivative games.
trickle down economy is on rampage, and
running it's wicked course.
among all this there was a glamor of hope.
that kept my feelings fresh, and the thoughts sane.
two faces of love mystified me as they faced the world.
acculturated cuddling of the past had come to terms.
the mountains had their heads up.
the oceans were racing to embrace the shore.
the plains were graced with springs,
fresh breeze, and flowering trees.
feelings and thoughts merged, and
roared through my veins as one.
I now feel, think, and feel the breeze.
alas, the absurdities of life remain.
among all the beauty, love, and the grace.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A Wish For The Day

lives are planned by the days and by the names.
characterization is a human spider web
to baptize, ideologies, and acculturate the human brain.
the brain subdued, and the mind surfaced
to monopolize the days and the names.
the rest is the history and
the herstory of warfare and the states.
the armies have marched, killed, and brutalized the mass
all in name of a god or a state or
in an ironic moral indignant thought.
a day that has a name is restless and awake.
the day wants to change the rules of the game
to free itself from human spider web.
the mind the ideologue fights the change, and
wants to keep the waring game the same.
the economy comes in play
the totum poe takes the reign
trickle down economy makes it's way
globalization spreads it's way
to make the world a unipolar maze.
human spiders are on the move.
money moguls are united, and
have bought the congress and the senate, and
have socialized the loss, and
privatized the profit.
a day that has a name is restless and awake
lives are planned by the days and by the names
characterization is a human spider web
to baptize, ideologies, and acculturate the human brain.
the day wants to change the rules of the game, and
wishes to free itself from the human spider web.
it is a hope that a wish of a wish of the day to change, and
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Dream

the voice refreshed my dream to dream
Human Right, A Modern Game
human right is used to hide one's sin to scale the other,
a human mind game that never ends to amaze.
all states are guilty of human rights violations.
some states are blatant in their acts.
some are cleaver in hiding or denying their sin.
human right is a modern political ping pong reign.
waging wars for human right is the name of the game.
human mind is a sick design.
human right the name is a game.
it is a deadly political viral strain.
it is a UN conundrum.
it is a democratic cinema.
it is a parliamentary panorama.
it is a statehood drama.
human right is any thing but right in our time.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Washington Post And The New York Times The Business Czars of The Year
for corporate business bazaar.
writing stories is their business.
"journalists" do their betting.
perpetual czars are out and about.
public option is their target.
so insurance industry can flourish, and
wall street can bundle the securities derivatives.
perpetual czars are cleaver players.
they write stories with flares.
they have news bureau across the globe.
their "journalists" are crisp and mysterious.
perpetual czars trade their stocks on wall street.
publish wall street trades in their column.
they have critiques for everyone but themselves.
there are perpetual czars
for corporate business bazaar.
commentary plus has picked
Washington Post and New York Times
the business bazaar czars of the year.
New York Times is A Tricky Mouthpiece
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A Day in The Park
a park in Tampa was alive and well.
under the shelters
people were picnicking,
cooking meals, and
sharing the day in their love and healing display.
at an another edge of the park
there was a political rally.
people were gathered to support a health plan.
data collectors were signing up.
there was a hard work at hand.
life is insecure and in need.
health care is the heed.
people were talking, and
sharing the day in their shared empathy display.
at a far, far distance land there was another rally,
a political rally alike the rally at the park.
goals were different yet the needs were the same.
people were gathered to derailed the health plan.
data collectors were singing up.
there was a hard work at hand.
life is insecure and in need.
health care is the heed.
people are angry, and
sharing the day in their anger display.
across the globe the money moguls are having a day.
playing the people and the states to serve their power base.
collecting data about the groups and individual insecure needs.
money making is the heed.
money moguls are in control, and
sharing the day with greed and control in display.
the nature of evolution is at work.
consistent with the ambiance of ambivalence
politics of life is surreal.
basic emotions are played.
ignorance a valued commodity is raked.
love, empathy, anger, and greed are relayed.
speeches are delivered.
G-20 are geared here and there.
wars are on the display.
in sharing each group believes that:
the survival is at stake.
who will win in the play?
the nature of evolution will relay...............
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Away From Fascists Games

the human mind games are cleaver, surreal, and insecure indeed.
the universe and the planet is real as it evolves to be.
the planetary matters move, and are dazzling clear.
I look for the passions to rule to make life desirous and cool.
I dream for a sojourn free from "cleaver" and "surreal" deceit.
I wish the minds to be free from insecure fascists games.
I wonder when it will be, or it is all a fancy delirious dream.
a noise from out side distract my thoughts.......
a deer has passed by in my dream.
the nature is calling it's lost particle, that's me
to live for what it has to be...............
I am awaken by the day's call.
eyes barely open
mind screens the dream
fresh breeze from the window
reminds me that it is real to be.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Tribute to Susan, Megan, Alison, Francine And The Like

to accept the challenge, and
the question of our time:
if the brotherhood and equal justice under the law has been
considered an American ideal.
how could an equal health care under the law
not be considered an American ideal?
the country is in danger of losing it's ideal.
equal justice without care is a hollow dream.
the call is out for a change.
Susan, Megan, Alison, Francine and the like are engaged.
America's best are striving for the perfect union once again.
Delutional And Drenched
democrat are stumbling in game.
republicans have no shame.
the blue and the red are delusional and drenched.
money moguls and sultans are united and raking.
commercials are colorful, masking, and misleading.
weapon sales are on rise.
profits and bonus are safe and soring.
extremists of all kind are on the move.
the rest are occupied and mesmerized
by the media reign.
education is turning to schooling,
an indoctrination master claim.
the country is skating on a thin ice.
democrat are stumbling in game.
republicans have no shame.
the blue and the red are delusional and drenched.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Day
a crazy day
a hazy day
a neurotic day
a foolish day
a pleasant day
a serpent day
a dancing day
a romancing day
a snoozing day
a cruising day
a losers day
a winners day
a warriors day
a stupid day
a depressed day
a psychotic day
a nervous day
a hilarious day
a day of nothing
a day of something
a day that comes and goes
a day that sticks around
a day
a day
a day with ray
a day with shining spray
it is a day like any other day
waiting for an another day
the waiting
the wasting
the rusting
the crusting
a gusty day
stop screaming, and
wake up to
have a shiny day.
Let The Schooling Slide And Education Be The Longing of Our Time

Monday, September 7, 2009
Life Is A Joke, A Funny Joke
it is bound in a yoke,
a cultured yoke.
it is a delusional stroke.
it is a two legged dork.
life is a joke, a funny joke.
it plays funny games.
it loans the politicians a one sided brain.
it blesses the new mafias:
the wall street and the media to lie in style, and
steal the IRA with flare and fame.
life is a joke, a funny joke.
it wages wars in the name of peace.
it invokes gods to free itself from guilt.
it kills, and offers prayers to eat the kill.
life is a joke, a funny joke.

it is a self interest maverick.
it is a devotional freak.
it is an exhibitionist geek.
it is a cultured brain washed
darkened hokes.
what else is left for the life but to be funny,
a freakish funny.
life is funny to bring Saturday night live alive
to hide life's glazed sharp edged razed rage
to wash Palin's suffrage, Hillary's hidden rage, and
Bill's craze.
life is a joke, a funny joke.
it is bound in a yoke,
a cultured yoke.
it is a delusional strokes.
it is a two legged dork.
A Labor Day Morning
a nirvana's choice I must say.
nirvana sleep has been bartered away by the karmic labor call.
so, I must be awakened to do the karma's deed to fulfill the living needs.
I am awake and glued to labor day TV news.
media clowns are spreading the ignorance so dogmas can flourish, and
clowns can get paid and be nourished to do their deeds again and again.
money monarchs have hired the lobbyists to buy the congress to do their deeds.
extremists are enjoying the new found spread of weapon sale, and
so are the "civilized" states making the sale.
should I go back to sleep or watch this living game?
conflicted mind is not helping the brain.
brain's serotonin and dopa are drained by the living games.
so I decided to go back to sleep once again.
a labor day morning karma call for labor can wait for an another day.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Life's Move
memory slips not as it is creed.
thoughts fade not as it is decreed.
feelings slide not as it is deemed.
brain, memory, thoughts, and feelings are
in assist to make the universe expand.
life and love are eternal...............
it has been said many times before
so live and spread the wings, and
take the planetary ride.
nothing else matters
as life makes it's move
to speed the flash
of sprinkles of stars
to be in planetary race
to scale the pace
as universe expands
in a hollow space
to greet life's move
into the space.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A Path
in the world of dibs, clubs, and fibs.
then found the glaciers move
the mountains rise
peacock sound
the forest song
the desert heat
the planetary playful deeds
the drip of rain forest speak
touching the deep down the core of life
a blossoming life
a passionate life
a desirous life
seeking the heart of a divine
not to be found
in a G-20 covered shroud
life tumbled, fumbled, and rumbled
in the world of dibs, clubs, and fibs.
A New Human Being Is Shaping
A new human being is shaping.
A being who lives to work, and
adores to pay tax so states can wage wars.
A being who is crazy about borrowing money
so the mortgage based securities can grow, and
the bonuses can flow.
A being who wraps it's soul in insurance wrap
to feed the wall street need.
A being who loves fossil fuel for all it's needs.
A being who loves to vote for "democracy"
to get the trickle down alms.
The new DNA will espouse to live not:
to sleep
to dream
to learn
to love, nor to
live for health care reform
that cares..........
The new DNA will espouse that:
loving, and
not borrowing
are not good for the wall street's growth, nor
these "unproductive" behaviors are good for the GNP.
So, the new DNA will transform
human being into human resource to be mined.
So they will work, and work more.
So they will borrow, and borrow more.
So they will sleep less, and less frequent.
So they will dream less, and not often.
So they will learn less, love less, and
make the wall street grow, and
enable the states to wage wars.
In return they will be blessed with
the trickled down alms.
The new global DNA is in the making.
A new being is shaping.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Evolution's Last Laugh

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Laugh And Have Fun

A Wish For The Day

Saturday, August 29, 2009
A Cloudy Day
instead I found the clouds in the sky,
a hazy day, a fuzzy day all around.
heart is beating slower than the other day.
it is a lazy day, do nothing day.
brain is tempered by the day.
the computer screen is on
I am typing away
what is this all about?
is it a living drama?, or
just a gloomy day
to end at the end of the day.
the laughter
the fun
the cheers
are weary to come by
in a waring world
that is infected
with the poison of the religiosity
the ideologies, and
the criminology.
it has been said that this is a complex world.
it was not so, until the minds game came
to control and reign.
it is a predatory mind game.
the game is worse than the physical waring game.
predatory mind game has made the world a complex world,
a devious world
a mischievous world
a spider's spinning world
to kill and be fed for the day.
what a day?
it is a cloudy day.
the heart is beating slower than the other day.
Depression And Laughter
rain is falling.
I wish the rain will end soon.
I am depressed like a goon.
this has been a rainy summer.
no, there have been four summer days as well!!
plenty of one, and the paucity of the others.
it seems we have only two seasons left to be had.
snowing, and mostly raining.
Adirondack has it's charm.
mosquitoes do no harm.
bats are dying.
deer are multiplying
I have a plan to move on
from the worldly sludge
to foster my heart, and brain
to save them from the desire for the dames.
it is raining.
serotonin must be scaling.
feels like nothing.
getting ready to get on the road,
to visit Florida for a while.
to commune with the other lune tunes,
the Florida's raccoons.
I am taking off for the time being.
to see if there is anything else to see.
plan is to stop in Bethesda for the night.
then head to Florida for sure.
Ted Kennedy passed away.
he was a good being.
for a change a human being,
a rare find in a political tent.
he knew how to navigate in DC game.
he was real and a political dean.
he was in not for personal gain
like republican scam reign.
Ted is mourn in a world full of scorn.
a life worth celebrating with fond memories, and
laughter in a world of depressed disaster.
Depression loses,and
the laughter wins again.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Morning Dew
it's sparkling morning dew.
my eyes are barely open
to see what is to see, if there is anything new.
I better get going, my mind rambled.
I entered the kitchen to get a cup of tea
so I can see, the sparkling morning dew.
I opened the tea bag, and my mind wondered away
to see that the tea is from London, "The English Tea".
How it is so?
There are no tea gardens in London.
Oh, I forgot that humanity had it's day with the colonial reign.
So, what is to say.....stop wondering, and drink the tea
so you can see the sparkling morning dew.
I walked out side, the tea cup in my hand
what I saw was the nature's grace.
a beautiful morning with cool misty air, and
I forgot about the London colonial disgrace.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Life is Tempered And Loved
scripted, and
life is
derailed, and
life is
boozed, and
life is
washed, and
life is
dance, and
life is
gazed, and
life is
grilled, and
life is
scold, and
life is
toast, and
life is
rendered, and
life is
doctored, andproctored.
life is
syndicated, and
life is
sacrificed, and
life is
patronized, and
what else is left
for the life to remember.
there are more words to rub, and scrub.
there is a lone word for love.
is it life's comic snub?, or
a rendition for love?!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Take A Child Rearing Moment
teachers have no prep time, and
psychological support base.
students are unprepared, and
lack motivation to learn.
drugs are rampant.
nutrition is full of fat.
parents are unemployed.
country is in debt, and
has lost the industrial base.
country wants to fix the world
by waging wars, and exporting
the corporate mania.
extremists are waging war, and
growing poppy, and buying guns.
the gun demands are at peak
making gun industry happy and sweet.
seething angers are multiplying.
peace no where to be found.
quick fixers are out and about.
looking for happy days are here again.
it is not a pretty picture to be had.
there are no simple solutions to be found.
it's time to face the reality, and build a new base.
start with creating a new industrial base.
turn schooling to education race.
grow healthy food, and healthy mind.
provide the health care, and improve education.
support teachers, and prevent the burn out.
slow down the waring game, and policing the world.
work to make the world a peaceful compound.
let the corporate world to own up to themselves.
no quick fixes to be had.
start the day with a step at a time.
learn to walk again, talk again, and learn again.
fight less, and make friends.
enjoy the simple moments in time.
eat well, and sleep well.
rise early, and go to bed early.
watch the television less.
read a book for a change.
for a change, engage in rearing moments
for yourself, by yourself, to yourself once again.
you have done it before, and
you could do it again.