Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Life

it was quiet
it was calm
it was serene
the snow was falling, and
filling the ravine.

I sat and watched
the matters romance
as the flakes kissed the
trees and the ground.

the wind was blowing
my mind was racing and pacing
in the wilderness of planet's cashing
it was a moment
I did not know what is to write
the calm
the quiet, and
the serene warped my feelings, so I thought.

I wanted to hear the chatter
the soap
to break the silence
then the mind found what matters:
a love of life into the horizon
passed the chatter
into the arms of a loving embrace
to dream......
it is a dream that matters.
no, says the heart to dream
heart desires the real not the dream.

dream is an illusive matter that
evades the real matter
the matters of life
the matters of breathing, loving, talking life.

a real life is what heart desire
not a pontificated life
not an opinionated life
not an ideologue life
not a waring life
not a flowery life
not a lexicographic life
not a choreographic life
not a controlling life
not a subjugating life.
a real life is what the heart desire.

a real life
a feeling life
a loving life
an embracing life.........

I stood, and felt light
simmering breeze passed me by
the alarm awakened my sleeping mind, and I raced
into the living life.

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