Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Good Question

last night I slept for all those eight hours, and
now I am awake.

in dream (what I remember now) I saw the ocean with
no obstacles in between...........
the people had decided not let the
high rises build to obstruct the view, and
the city planners had agreed to heed.

it is a dreaming drama,
a drama of my empowerment, and
wishful desires and thinking!!!

in dream, near the ocean, I saw a women
who had joined me to see the ocean view.
now I am awake, and I know
that she has been gone from this world a long time ago.
it is a dream.

dreaming world's matters are
mysterious, and
full of disconnects in between.
the brain is free to roam in dream, and
it does..........

so, what is this all about?
is it about the living,
the life,
the love,
the sleep,
the dream,
the empowerment, and
the awakening?
if it is, then why do we call it a dream?

now I am typing what happened while I was asleep:
I am awake and breathing well,
feeling relaxed,
just had a glass of water.
body has no major aches and pains
that can not be stretched out with some simple stretch.
so, what is the problem?

a good question................

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