Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It is an another day like the other day

my sleepy eyes are hard to open.
the morning has pierced into my room.
the night has passed in dreams into the space.
the matters of day are demanding a pace,
the hyper rites of the daily living
for the masters of the human race.

the planet earth is globalized,
scandalized, and
for the corporate craze.

a new form of slavery is spreading.
it has a new name: athletes of.the spectators game.
it is not called the slavery because it pays a high pay.
nevertheless the athletes are owned, bought, traded, and sold,
it is a "refined" slavery of our time.

my mind wanders, and never remains the same.
the pounding heart oxygenate, and keeps the mind sane.
the talk shows and the media keep buzzing.
buffoonery is on the rise.
it is a civilization of our time,
full with talking points.

the twitters are twitting.
the world is squeaking, and I am trying
to make sense in a world of senseless play.
it is an another day like the other day.

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