Saturday, September 12, 2009

Away From Fascists Games

I wish our minds were in line with planetary discourse.

the human mind games are cleaver, surreal, and insecure indeed.

the universe and the planet is real as it evolves to be.

the planetary matters move, and are dazzling clear.

I look for the passions to rule to make life desirous and cool.

I dream for a sojourn free from "cleaver" and "surreal" deceit.

I wish the minds to be free from insecure fascists games.

I wonder when it will be, or it is all a fancy delirious dream.

a noise from out side distract my thoughts.......

a deer has passed by in my dream.

the nature is calling it's lost particle, that's me

to live for what it has to be...............

I am awaken by the day's call.

eyes barely open

mind screens the dream

fresh breeze from the window

reminds me that it is real to be.

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