Saturday, September 5, 2009

A New Human Being Is Shaping

A new globalized DNA is in the making.

A new human being is shaping.

A being who lives to work, and

adores to pay tax so states can wage wars.

A being who is crazy about borrowing money

so the mortgage based securities can grow, and

the bonuses can flow.

A being who wraps it's soul in insurance wrap

to feed the wall street need.

A being who loves fossil fuel for all it's needs.

A being who loves to vote for "democracy"

to get the trickle down alms.

The new DNA will espouse to live not:

to sleep

to dream

to learn

to love, nor to

live for health care reform

that cares..........

The new DNA will espouse that:




loving, and

not borrowing

are not good for the wall street's growth, nor

these "unproductive" behaviors are good for the GNP.

So, the new DNA will transform

human being into human resource to be mined.

So they will work, and work more.

So they will borrow, and borrow more.

So they will sleep less, and less frequent.

So they will dream less, and not often.

So they will learn less, love less, and

make the wall street grow, and

enable the states to wage wars.

In return they will be blessed with

the trickled down alms.

The new global DNA is in the making.

A new being is shaping.

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