Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Wish For The Day

a day that has a name is restless and awake.

lives are planned by the days and by the names.

characterization is a human spider web

to baptize, ideologies, and acculturate the human brain.

the brain subdued, and the mind surfaced

to monopolize the days and the names.

the rest is the history and

the herstory of warfare and the states.

the armies have marched, killed, and brutalized the mass

all in name of a god or a state or

in an ironic moral indignant thought.

a day that has a name is restless and awake.

the day wants to change the rules of the game

to free itself from human spider web.

the mind the ideologue fights the change, and

wants to keep the waring game the same.

the economy comes in play

the totum poe takes the reign

trickle down economy makes it's way

globalization spreads it's way

to make the world a unipolar maze.

human spiders are on the move.

money moguls are united, and

have bought the congress and the senate, and

have socialized the loss, and

privatized the profit.

a day that has a name is restless and awake

lives are planned by the days and by the names

characterization is a human spider web

to baptize, ideologies, and acculturate the human brain.

the day wants to change the rules of the game, and

wishes to free itself from the human spider web.

it is a hope that a wish of a wish of the day to change, and
be free to come every dawn of the day.

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