Friday, September 18, 2009

A Darkened Land

once I cried as I missed a love afar

the face I missed.

the holding of hands slipped.

the distance kept us apart.

time filled the void.

life took the voyage.

to a far far distance land.

a land where......

the shores were sparkling.

the mountains were majestic.

the rivers flowed deep and wide.

the springs were plentiful.

yet among all it's beauty

the land was in a perpetual war

with itself, and unsatisfied.

the machines were rampaging.

pollution was growing.

acid rain was spreading across the sky.

chemicals were polluting towns, and

the peoples mind.

the land was getting darkened by the day.

it was a disheartening sight.

the voyage came to an end,

so I sat, ruminated, and cried once again

for a loss of an another love.

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