Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Dream

I dream to live, and live to dream.

it is a fancy or a fanciful dream.

Rollin, my daughter's fish eats, swims, and sleeps

does he dream? that I do not know.

why do I dream?, I wonder.....

mind wonders, and wonders away

on a planetary slope there is life's skate,
skate it is to roll away.

my dream dreams to roll once again.

life sways in a hollow space

to race to no other place but in space.

a serene voice comes my way
the voice I had heard some time ago

the voice refreshed my dream to dream

where we met once and never met again

it is the dream that keeps dreams alive.

I do not want to lose my dream.

so, I dream

to dream until we meet again
I know you are out there

to dream the dream that we never dreamed

to be intertwine in our dream for a passion

that dreams nothing but the dream.

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