Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Day in The Park

yesterday was Saturday, a rainy day.

a park in Tampa was alive and well.

under the shelters

people were picnicking,

cooking meals, and

sharing the day in their love and healing display.

at an another edge of the park

there was a political rally.

people were gathered to support a health plan.

data collectors were signing up.

there was a hard work at hand.

life is insecure and in need.

health care is the heed.

people were talking, and

sharing the day in their shared empathy display.

at a far, far distance land there was another rally,

a political rally alike the rally at the park.

goals were different yet the needs were the same.

people were gathered to derailed the health plan.

data collectors were singing up.

there was a hard work at hand.

life is insecure and in need.

health care is the heed.

people are angry, and

sharing the day in their anger display.

across the globe the money moguls are having a day.

playing the people and the states to serve their power base.

collecting data about the groups and individual insecure needs.

money making is the heed.

money moguls are in control, and

sharing the day with greed and control in display.

the nature of evolution is at work.

consistent with the ambiance of ambivalence

politics of life is surreal.

basic emotions are played.

ignorance a valued commodity is raked.

love, empathy, anger, and greed are relayed.

speeches are delivered.

G-20 are geared here and there.

wars are on the display.

in sharing each group believes that:

the survival is at stake.

who will win in the play?

the nature of evolution will relay...............

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