Friday, September 18, 2009

Feelings, Thoughts, And Absurdities

I thought, and found

a mind filled with the logic race.

I felt, and found

the passion that I had never felt before.

once my feelings were subdued

by technocratic meanderings,

and acculturated cuddling.

I moved with grace, and

stood tall in a lifeless race.

I had become a thoughtful

walking schooled robot,

a rationalized charcoal slate.

the life moved, and brought

not one but two unexpected rewards.

feelings returned, the love graced, and then

I became afraid of what I saw around me.

the nations are waring.

the religions are preaching not talking

the bigotry is roaming from shore to shore.

education is losing, and schooling is taking hold.

the science is funneled into making bombs.

the good science is monopolized, packaged, and sold.

the wall street is packaging false securities, and

dangling the hallow derivative games.

trickle down economy is on rampage, and

running it's wicked course.

among all this there was a glamor of hope.

that kept my feelings fresh, and the thoughts sane.

two faces of love mystified me as they faced the world.

acculturated cuddling of the past had come to terms.

the mountains had their heads up.

the oceans were racing to embrace the shore.

the plains were graced with springs,

fresh breeze, and flowering trees.

feelings and thoughts merged, and

roared through my veins as one.

I now feel, think, and feel the breeze.

alas, the absurdities of life remain.

among all the beauty, love, and the grace.

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