Monday, September 7, 2009

Life Is A Joke, A Funny Joke

Life is a joke, a funny joke.

it is bound in a yoke,

a cultured yoke.

it is a delusional stroke.

it is a two legged dork.

life is a joke, a funny joke.

it plays funny games.

it loans the politicians a one sided brain.

it blesses the new mafias:

the wall street and the media to lie in style, and

steal the IRA with flare and fame.

life is a joke, a funny joke.

it wages wars in the name of peace.

it invokes gods to free itself from guilt.

it kills, and offers prayers to eat the kill.

life is a joke, a funny joke.Check Spelling

it is a self interest maverick.

it is a devotional freak.

it is an exhibitionist geek.

it is a cultured brain washed

darkened hokes.

what else is left for the life but to be funny,

a freakish funny.

life is funny to bring Saturday night live alive

to hide life's glazed sharp edged razed rage

to wash Palin's suffrage, Hillary's hidden rage, and

Bill's craze.

life is a joke, a funny joke.

it is bound in a yoke,

a cultured yoke.

it is a delusional strokes.

it is a two legged dork.

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