Monday, September 7, 2009

A Labor Day Morning

I slept late for no other reason but to sleep late,

a nirvana's choice I must say.

nirvana sleep has been bartered away by the karmic labor call.

so, I must be awakened to do the karma's deed to fulfill the living needs.

I am awake and glued to labor day TV news.

media clowns are spreading the ignorance so dogmas can flourish, and

clowns can get paid and be nourished to do their deeds again and again.

money monarchs have hired the lobbyists to buy the congress to do their deeds.

extremists are enjoying the new found spread of weapon sale, and

so are the "civilized" states making the sale.

should I go back to sleep or watch this living game?

conflicted mind is not helping the brain.

brain's serotonin and dopa are drained by the living games.

so I decided to go back to sleep once again.

a labor day morning karma call for labor can wait for an another day.

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