Saturday, October 24, 2009

A New Spree: Longing For The Unseen

it's raining in Adirondack.
the rain is drumming the tin roof
in an asynchronous dripping shrill.
the forest is awake.
the wind is calm.

the silence is broken in tandem in time
with every rain drops falling in random,
the nature's music is in play.

inside the house the washing machine is doing it's thing.
it is a machine, a lifeless technical machine.
the machine is hooked up to the electrical outlet.
the electricity is coming from the nation's grid.
it is like the cow's milk is coming from the grocery store
you do not know it's source,

it's a game of living relay.
the rain is picking up it's stream.
the clouds are circling in their menacing spree
to soak the forest before it snows.

the winter is coming.
the rain is falling.
the machine is doing it's thing.
life in Adirondack is not what it used to be.
life now is a twitter's twit, and
a facebook friendship regime.

facebook life is to follow people you don't know, and
let yourself being followed by those you have never seen.
it is a new syndrome of the upcoming human lving spree.
it is interactive and better than TV, so to speak.
now at least you can write and read, and
twit, and make friends whom you may never meet.
a 21st century longing for the unseen.............

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