Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Human Brain

is the human brain an evolution's drain, or

is it a planetary mass to evolve, and

to ravel the science to open the space?

it is a drain as it has slain under the mind's game.

it is an evolving mass as it has embarked

on planetary terrain.

the brain, one of the most evolved mass

filled with historic evolving pain, a genomic game.

the evolving mass rescued the brain from it's own pain

only to be taken over by the devotional mind games.

the church, the temples, the synagogue, the mosque's

played the mind game

mesmerized the populous

controlled the brain

waged religious wars, and

the rest is the history of gain and slain

played under the camouflage of ideals and

devotional game.

the brain mass insists to continue to evolve

in spite of insecure mind games

bringing hopes and resolves

to search the space, and

reduce the mind's spite, and

pollutant craves.

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