Saturday, October 31, 2009

Matter's Desirous And Passionate Domain

the sun is up, and the machine is throwing the heat.

I am doing nothing that matters the least.

walking, stumbling, and rambling

are the thematic routine for the day.

the matters are doing their relay.

the deer are running to save their lives.

the hunters are in their four wheel drives.

life is chasing the hunters in over drive.

the hunt is on in the planetary reign.

the life's games in ionic terrain

are shaping the universe for the hunting game.

the day gets the brighter sun and it's rays

as it aroused the matters to play.

I, the matters destined crown is the ego game

is being awakened to do it's round.

I and the matter are one and the same

the dopa, the serotonin, and the rest

are the game.

I is a matter's composite name,

a desirous and passionate domain.

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