Saturday, October 10, 2009

It Is Not A Time For Hope Alone

it is not a time for hope alone.

it is not a time for motivational clone.

it is not a time for the revelation of divine.

it is a time for searching the inner core

divinity of yours and mine.

it is a time for a change to change

the waring mindset that has derailed

the civilizations over time, again and again.

it is a time for a change in the mindset

that promotes:

the ignorance

the greed

the cruelty

the hypocrisy

the religiosity

the waring state

it is a time for a change to change.

it is a time not for hope alone but for a change to

change the waring mindset.

it is a time for searching the inner core divinity of

yours and mine that could make the world divine

not the waring crime.

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