Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A World of Many Things Made of The Same Thing: The Matter.

it's a funny world

it is a strange world

it is a goofy world

it is a world of craze

it is a warring world

it is a peace loving world

it is a business world

it is a world of greed

it is a mafia world

it is a world of hypocrite

it is a world of buffoons

it is a world of saints

it is a world of Buddhas

it is a world of suicide bombers

it is a world of atom bombers

it is a world of science

it is a world of matter

it is a genomic world

it is a world of healers

it is a world of killers

it is a world of good deeds

it is a world of talk shows

it is a world of commercials

it is a world of many things

it is not a world of the same things

it is a moving world

it is a world of revolution

it is a world of evolution

it is a changing world

nothing profound

it is a world of love

it is a world of hate

it is a world of contradictions

it is a world of confusion

it is a world of sea of holy

it is a world of holy grail

it is a world of bloodshed

nothing profound

it is what is:

it is a world of hounds

it is a world of marry go round

it is a world of many things

but made of the same thing: The Matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great mamaji as usual. wish you belated diwali.

rajesh and latika.