Saturday, October 17, 2009

Freedom From Hunger is Not A Human Right?

as the billionaires grow, and so does the hunger.

freedom from hunger is not a human right.

hunger has no wall street power, and no voting right.

billions go hungry in our time, and

the political drama of human rights goes on.

states accuse each other for human rights violations

while ignoring their own rights violations.

no bailout for the hungry is in sight.

where is the human rights council for the freedom from hunger?

where are the political human rights activists to free the planet from hunger?

where are the states playing the human rights game?

oh, I forget that the states are warring the extremists, and

the extremists are warring the states and spreading ignorance.

who is to care about the billions going hungry every night?

oh, I am wrong again not to know that there are do gooders, and

the UN game players trickling down their alms for the hungry.

isn't amazing that as the billionaires grow, and

the trickle down alms grow so grows the hunger?

is there some connection and complicity in all of this?

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