Monday, October 5, 2009

Momentary Malaise

the sky is cloudy and gloomy.

it is time for a change.

don't ask, it is already arranged.

the leaves are making a change

to seep into the universe membrane

like no other passionate ingrain.

the leaves and the colors are one and the same.

the leaves are falling in unison with grace.

the forest has blossomed for it's fall's delight

in preparation for the coming wintry nights.

oh, how my heart desires to hold the beauty in sight

only to be reminded that it is the change that nature prides.

the moments are passing by..........

the nature's beauty is spreading

only to change in every passing moment, and to change again.

nothing will hold the nature's play.

the cloudy gloomy day

will stay no longer than it's momentary play.

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