Friday, October 16, 2009

The Reality

the dreams have been the dream of the dreams to be dreamed

flights of dreams have mesmerized the dreamers of the dream

the reality the real has masterminded the real what it is to be

what if the real were the dream, and the dreams were the real?

would the world be a better place than what we have seen?

the reality of our time is a polarized dichotomous devilish scene

the choices are bipolar alike the depressed and the manic high heels

is it all natural like a day and night bipolar drama making or breaking our day? or

is it the unnatural that has been with us so long that it seems natural to be?

am I losing to my dream? or

dreaming to be me in a surreal world that was meant not to be

the stars are shining as they are free from their broken dreams.

it is the dream then must be the real not the reality as seen.

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