Friday, November 27, 2009

Living Calender

there is nothing but scratches and snatches,
as mind wonders and wanders.
blood in vein run in dismay to find the living calender....

how the human mind becomes corrupt?, and
how the products of the corrupt mind become the norm?

the minds matters that matter are losing the potency
while the corrupt is becoming the norm of decency.

my mind wonders and wanders in space,
answers evade, and multiply in shades.....
corrupt is a corrupt defense and compromised formations
rationalized to control the the insecure mind before it's time.

cells multiply from single to multiple drills.
mind is mesmerized, first by the mysteries of the darkness in the cave
then through the ages into the cyberspace.

there are platforms, and the controllers the beneficiaries.
cyberplatforms are out in cyberspace
spinning and weaving like the spiders webs
reaping the benefits nurtured by the alienated living,
an outcome of corrupt robes, strolls, scrolls, and rolls.

hungry minds with alienated rhymes are waiting
to be fished by the platform designs and the designers,
the new calculating masters of our time.

it is the corrupt power play,
the game of insecure minds
an inbred of the natures design,
the food chain to survive.
rest is the evolutionary slight
tempered by the corrupt mind.

there came the fossil fuel rise
the new power design,
the political crime.
the beltways, and
the highways are built
to by pass the humanity
to enshrine the new divinity,
the monetary econ line.

my mind wonders and wanders.....
there is no relief from the false splendor
of human calender............

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