Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Human Flamboyant Matters

the human matters on planet earth
are flamboyant with flamboyant memory
that has nothing to do do with
human matters luminary memory.

the human matters on planet earth
with their flamboyant memory have
built flamboyant states, institutions, and cuisines.
the flamboyant cuisines are
with ingredients
hiding in mystery
with a delectable taste, and
seasoned over time
crapped in plate
to serve
the other human matters
visiting the flamboyant cuisine
in compressed dress
with no luminary memory of their own
are here to enjoy the flamboyant cuisine.

it is a flamboyant cuisine
with a flamboyant memory that
had nothing to do with luminary memory.

while the flamboyant earthly human matters are
mingling and playing the flamboyant tune
evolution is gearing to take the
human matters back to the planetary space
in matters of time
to awaken the spacey flamboyant human matters
to their luminary memory
which they lost as they crashed
into the planet earth.
the memory of the
planetary matter that
matters is shattered........

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