Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Matter's Primal Sound

the following is a thought, an imagination, a poetic dream
until it is known as a life's stream.............

as I was sitting in my home
listening to my heart's beat.
my mind wonders away,
in my thoughts stream.

the heart beat, a sound.
the sound is a sound,
the "inorganic" sound,
an echo, my rational mind says.

it is the sound,
the matter's sound,
a primal sound, my poetic
imagination glazed:

it is a primal sound
coming from the
silent matter emitting
primal sound in silence.

there are sounds that we may not hear.
there are sights that we may not see.
does this mean that they do not exist?

in my belief inclusive of
rational and logical inference beliefs or
hypotheses that science tries to test every day...
I believe that there is a primal sound in every matter
in silence.

the science is not there yet to
test the matter's primal sound
but will be there
in a matter of time.

until then:
it is the poet's imagination, and the
the poet's dream is what will do
to satisfy our yearling to hear
the matter's primal sound in earnest.

the matter matters, and the matter has a sound,
a primal sound that beats in every heart
of a living being.

there is a life in the matter's primal sound.
how much life do we have in our own selves
depends on how much matter's primal
sound do we have in our
body and in our vein
emitted by matters
like dopa, serotonin, and
the rest of the matters in
the making of what we are, and
what we become.

it is the silent primal sound
that craves the life, the love,
the passion, and the desire.
it is the silent primal sound,
that empowers the affinity
among the beings.

the silent primal sound permeates
in every music
in every art, and
in every living being.

So, I end my prose, the poem, the poetry, and
whatever comes to mind: the matter of heart and mind,
in silence.

copyright, and all rights reserved.

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