Monday, November 2, 2009

The Lexicographic Spheres

matters of life are on the move

it is a molecule stride

the chemistry of romance is in the dancing mood

matter trembles, and shakes it's way to collide

making a planetary moon night.

the lexicographic spheres are all around

lighting the passions of desirous minds

some in faith

some in devotion

some in dream

some in illusion, and

some in hallucination scream

are making the way in a planetary hollow space

the heart throbs

the brain quivers

the matters glitter

among the confluence of congruence

the matter finds the love of divine

the chemistry shines

the tears flow

reminding a moment in time

as they fall on the rock

mixing with the streaks of mass

touching the ground beneath

to be one with matter the divine.

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