Monday, November 30, 2009

"Civil Society" For Now It is A Human Mind's Word Game

"civil society" is
a misnomer,
the creation of a
self-congratulatory mind,
a mind fearful of it's own kind.

human mind,
a derogatory rhyme.

human mind,
a predatory slime.

human mind,
a waring mind.

human mind,
a colonial mind.

human mind,
a feudal mind.

human mind is
a falsified mind
deluged in it's
glamor, the art,
and the clamor
to cover it's
fear of the unknown.

human mind
builds, and
magnifies it's reach
to circumvent it's out of reach,
the unknown.

the "civil society" is
a glamorized self-congratulatory mind hype
to camouflage the mind's fear rites,
the human mind.

the philosophy,
the psychology,
the religious rites, and
the like are the projectiles
of human mind
playing the lexicographical
word game to cover the mind's
ego reign.

"civil society" a noble aspiration,
for now it is a human mind's
word game,
a political game,
a controlling game.

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