Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where The Sanity Lies, And The Insanity Begins

I wonder where the sanity lies, and the insanity begins.
the world in it's crusty underground caves
is making the nuclear dust that kills.
the killing has become the game, the norm.
some kill by bombs
some kill by suicide explosive belts
preaching goes on
in church, temples, synagogues, and mosques
all in the name of an illusive divine named God.

states are created, self interest groups are formed
all in the name of doing the so called right thing.
the right thing is to build the domineering and subjugating reigns,
the states game.
the non-profits, the foundations are building the markets.
monopoly money is on the rise.
consumerism is the name of the progress.
is it a progress? or
is it the end of the time?
I wonder where the sanity lies, and the insanity begins.
the mass is occupied as ever with their daily needs.
some are better than others.
nevertheless, they are the mass
under the thumb of the needs to feed.
monopoly money rise, the gift of bailout game of our time.
I wonder where the sanity lies, and the insanity begins.
Dow rise.......
at the same time unemployment and poverty rise.
education is schooled, modularized, and commercialized.
matters of the universe are capitalized, and
owned by the corporate giants, the products of monopoly money.
I wonder, wonder, and wonder
where the sanity lies, and the insanity begins.

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