Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Cloudy Day

I woke up this morning to see an awaken day.

instead I found the clouds in the sky,

a hazy day, a fuzzy day all around.

heart is beating slower than the other day.

it is a lazy day, do nothing day.

brain is tempered by the day.

the computer screen is on

I am typing away

what is this all about?

is it a living drama?, or

just a gloomy day

to end at the end of the day.

the laughter

the fun

the cheers

are weary to come by

in a waring world

that is infected

with the poison of the religiosity

the ideologies, and

the criminology.

it has been said that this is a complex world.

it was not so, until the minds game came

to control and reign.

it is a predatory mind game.

the game is worse than the physical waring game.

predatory mind game has made the world a complex world,

a devious world

a mischievous world

a spider's spinning world

to kill and be fed for the day.

what a day?

it is a cloudy day.

the heart is beating slower than the other day.

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