Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blogger''s Journey: A Moment In Time

blogger transcend, and take a journey

to explore the planet earth, their home.

cyberspace comes alive

where all souls intertwine.

there is no artificial planetary line.

in space, songs of all cultures merge.

homosapien meet, greet, and converge.

chocolate cakes are abound.

faces tell the story

the hallelujah glory.

the Sriram story

Hernandez journey

Cherokees rebirth

lee and sui are not alone

Mccluskey's will never be betrayed

what a fun time to be alive

to be in a blogger moon light

where fresh air surrounds

the freedom calls mount

journalism has an opportunity

to experience the freedom

never experienced before

freedom from the censors

freedom from the delayed briefings

freedom from behind the scene editorials

freedom from the state's cutting deals

freedom from the stocks exchange

freedom from the media mergers

freedom from all the fix to keep journalism in a mix.

blogger a new phenomenon,

a transcendental phenomena is here.

freedom is within reach.

a blogger's dream: a moment in time

until the reality sinks in, and

the fantasy gets a jolt.

the fix

the censors

the state deals

the behind the scene editorials

are all human shrills, grills, and thrills.

no one to blame but ourselves for our drama.

we must free from deal making reign.

a good thought, it seems.

thoughts are week, the heart screamed.

persuasions are cheap.

muddled archetypes are deep.

evolution is slow.

time to weep, and fall sleep.

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