Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gates, Crawley Melodrama

there is a life in every strife

comic or otherwise

it is all in mind.

wait, there is more to life

there is a 21st century melodrama:

it is Gates, Crawley song rama

brought to you from Media panorama.


play by play commentaries

sensitive strings

hidden motives

hiding behind the drama

body postures tell them all

human mind sickness is seething

between two egoist rendering

Gates, a model of capitalist counter top

Crawley, a model of police state cop

their slippage of tongues collide, and

reveal the sickness of mind

gets attention from the commander-in-chief

too much attention given to a senseless state

I am doing the same

so, I must stop

must turn to passions of life

as I take Saratoga drive.

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