Monday, August 17, 2009

Obama's "To Be Sure"

How sure is Obama's "to be sure"?

Obama's "to be sure" must be sure.

this is the time "to be sure" , or

risk to be ignored.

with no public option reform is cooked and fixed.

health care securities and derivatives win.

White House is considering dropping the public option.

there may not be the "death panel".

but the death panelist Palin and the mobs are winning.

wall street health securities and derivatives couldn't be happier.

making political inroad is difficult

when mobs are shouting against their own self interest.

human mind is a convoluted design.

right has an opportunity to rise and control the mind.

no competition or just in name competition are the same:

water down the competition reform.

right lost the election, and waiting to wins the game.

bring the uninsured in the competition free market as mandatory reform...........

make the health care securities and derivatives richer once again.

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