Friday, August 21, 2009

In Anticipation

it is cloudy, dark, and deary.

it can not be deary, if it is, then

why the heart is cheery, and

waiting for the rain to fall.

the rain will fall to make the life to come alive.

the rain will fall to clear the dusty sky.

the rain will fall to clear the path for the sun

to come alive to clear the dark and deary sky.

the cloudy, dark, and deary sky will come alive

to soak up the sun, and will change and to be cheery.

change and cheer will fashion the world.........

heart is cheery in anticipation to see a change in global malaise.

heart is cheery in anticipation to see a change in Pundit, Pope, Rabbi, and Imam.

heart is cheery in anticipation to see a change in political games.

heart is cheery in anticipation to see a change in evolutionary gridlock.

heart is a fool to anticipate nothing but good.

Pundit, Pope, Rabbi, and Imam are mutating to form a new viral path.

political games are forming the unipolar capitalist mutation slot.

human mass will work for the corporate bosses and will rot.

oh. don't be so cynic in your depressed thoughts.

human brain is evolving to transcend the current mutant slot.

look the rainbow has arrived to get you out of the rot.

alarm buzzes out loud bringing the waking mind's dream to come to an end........

wake up and change............

it is the evolution's call..............

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