Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Something Very Unsettling

something is very unsettling.

something is very disturbing.

the health, and the care needs are institutionalized.

the health, and the care needs are capitalized.

the health, and the care needs are politicized.

the health, and the care needs are imprisoned by the wall street roar.

something is very unsettling.

something is very disturbing.

the need to:




are packaged in multiple derivative of

securities, and sold.

the health securities are speculated in multiples

making the cost of health care rise in quadruples.

the business of health care has turned into a wall street mart.

the needs of the hurts, the dying, and all the gradations in between

are capitalized, and speculated on wall street.

something is very unsettling about such a deed.

business of care has turned into a business of multiples and quadruples,

the money making machine.

something is morally, and ethically very disturbing.

capitalist model,

a profit model is sustainable,

perhaps more so than others,

for the business world,

but not for the world of care.

the multiples, derivatives, speculation,

and the market dug outs

must leave the care to care.

health care, and education

aught to be the nation's business,

peoples business,

a caring business.

wall street to donate some profits of it's business

to the business of care, should it choose.

not make profit from the caring business.

the state of profiting in care has become very insidious

the business of profit has permeated into nonprofit like AARP,

AMA, and more.

the conflicts of interests rule the day.

something is disturbing and heinous about all this.

it is not who we are, or want to be:

to profit from the hurt

to profit from the dying

to profit in multiple

to profit in derivatives

is this what the leader of the world wants to display?

is this what the American dreams are made off?

there is something very unsettling,

there is something very hurtful,

there is something very painful, and


in all of this,

that has disturbed the mind, thoughts,

and more.

now there is an opportunity

to make a dent in the door, and

free the health, and the care for once

from the wall street commodores.

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