Saturday, August 8, 2009

Health Care Reform

health care reform must debate.

must not the deal makers hijack the reform.

must not the ignorance rule the day.

must not the mob steal the day.

irony is of no surprise:

free market advocates are afraid of free market.

they want to participate in health care reform

to suite their terms of monopoly.

why shouldn't they?

they are rich from tax cuts, and trickle down economy.

they have the money to control the media.

republican governors, and senators are leaving early

rather serve their term.

they plan to enter the "free market" and make the day.

must not the ignorance rule the day.

must not the deal makers hijack the reform.

must not the mob steal the day.

1 comment:

thefos said...

Greed is the motive.

God, bigotry, and fear are their weapons.

The vulnerable are their victims.