Monday, August 24, 2009

A Longing of Our Time

what a crappy, grumpy, lumpy, and dumpy the world it is......

the world that is racing to build the empires, and

giving the extremists an excuse to romp and roil.

extremists bow five times a day

to kill ten times with no mercy to be had.

the empires sell arms to destroy arms to make more.

what a crappy, grumpy, lumpy, and dumpy the world it is..........

the waring games are the ultimate neurotic game.

the extremists and the empires both to blame.

wars are fought in "moral" and "high ground" name.

gods are brought in to justify the claim.

what a crappy, grumpy, lumpy, and dumpy the world it is............

Micky the mouse rules the "world of splendors", and

sings the song "small small world"

to keep the masses occupied, and mesmerized.

Mick's respite gives the empire builders the ample time

to build arms, and wage wars.

what a crappy, grumpy, lumpy, and dumpy the world it is..............

wait, don't be so crappy cynical snout, and distraught.

look around and see the goodness that surrounds.

the science, the art, and the growing desire

to make the world a better place is abound.

the passion and desire to save the planet is growing.

the desire to build a health care that cares is spreading.

the call to grow healthy food on less land is taking hold.

what a great time to be alive.

change the schooling and the madersas, and make education to come alive.

teach the Young to learn, think, and skate while building a new world.

let the America's new spirit for change spread around.

it is our time to create, learn, laugh, love, and have fun.

it is a longing of our time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is the longing for complaining or for seeing the positve of life, or just for an eye opener. Interesting