Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Immortal Matter

the mind,

the thought, and

the reason

are nothing but the matters in camouflage...........

the mind,

the thought, and

the reason

are nothing but the rationalized matters of it's time............

it is the matter

that is evolving, and

reforming the universe.

it is the matter

the dust

the particle, and the rest

are making the universe, and it's ravine.

the rays of sun

the colors of dust

are the colorful matters

spreading in every matter.

the thought

the reason

the love

the affect

are matter's color to behold.

the matter is immortal.

matter is ascending, and

transforming the universe.

it is the matter that is expanding, and

making the planetary sojourn.

the drama

the opera

the art

the science

are the colorful matters of the mind.

the mind the matter of it's time,

a serotonin in incline.

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