Sunday, August 9, 2009

Care And Health For All

democracy we live in,

so we would like to believe in.

it is a constitutional republic,

and a good one,

yet not a democracy.

the rules by which we live in democracy,

and in constitutional republic are different.

it is not a direct rule, the democracy.

it is a representative rule,

the constitutional republic.

we live in a beautiful country with

some high minded and great people.

yet we must never forget,

the power of ignorance, and it's play.

no matter whether it is a democracy, or

a constitutional republic.

yes. I say, the power of ignorance.

ignorance is a power,

a destructive power,

a self destructive power,

a mass destructive power.

a power used by the power and might

more often than not,

to gain for themselves, and destroy the rest.

history knows it well.

ignorance is a power,

a massive power,

a destructive power.

it is a power we must not be mad at

nor afraid off.

annoyed, yes.

vigilant, yes.

mad, no.

not now, or ever.

it is a power of ignorance played

in hands of power and might that

needs to be watched, and needs rendering

not surrendering.

let us assert to the cause,

make education a priority, and

eradicate ignorance from the planet earth, and

the care and health for all, the priority.

a great nation, and a great universe

deserves a great health,

now, and forever.

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