Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Take A Child Rearing Moment

schools are crowded.

teachers have no prep time, and

psychological support base.

students are unprepared, and

lack motivation to learn.

drugs are rampant.

nutrition is full of fat.

parents are unemployed.

country is in debt, and

has lost the industrial base.

country wants to fix the world

by waging wars, and exporting

the corporate mania.

extremists are waging war, and

growing poppy, and buying guns.

the gun demands are at peak

making gun industry happy and sweet.

seething angers are multiplying.

peace no where to be found.

quick fixers are out and about.

looking for happy days are here again.

it is not a pretty picture to be had.

there are no simple solutions to be found.

it's time to face the reality, and build a new base.

start with creating a new industrial base.

turn schooling to education race.

grow healthy food, and healthy mind.

provide the health care, and improve education.

support teachers, and prevent the burn out.

slow down the waring game, and policing the world.

work to make the world a peaceful compound.

let the corporate world to own up to themselves.

no quick fixes to be had.

start the day with a step at a time.

learn to walk again, talk again, and learn again.

fight less, and make friends.

enjoy the simple moments in time.

eat well, and sleep well.

rise early, and go to bed early.

watch the television less.

read a book for a change.

for a change, engage in rearing moments

for yourself, by yourself, to yourself once again.

you have done it before, and

you could do it again.

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