Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nothingness Prevail

life trumpet's

the loud

for the living volcanic shrouds

of politics of political doubts.

the doubts

the political lime line

pieced in multicolor quandary

sowed in nothing but doubt

to rule the unsuspecting

to reward the artistry of, the fix.......

the power clicks........

it must change, the mind thinks in doubt

it could change

by politics

by talks

by persuasions

by reasons

by rationale

by discourse,

so I thought.

as the day breaks

fuzziness of ideal mirage fades

the doubts, the political renegades return.

reality sinks and reminds that

politics is a game.

to keep the mass occupied in political shrouds.

to make the players feel powerful in name.

dogmas rule

the fertile ignoramus pool.

there has to be a way out of this quandary.

the brain rebels

against the slow evolutionary crawl

a crawl antithesis of evolving evolutionary intent,

so I thought.

the mind

the brain

the logic

the thought


in nothingness, the space.

the sounds

the trumpets

the games

are all nothing but momentary names.

nothingness prevail

in empty hollow space.

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