Friday, August 7, 2009

It Is Fun Time

it is fun time

it is the Disney time

it is a technicolor time

mop not, it is a gay time

it is a credit crunch time

it is a credit check time

it is the inspirational time

it is a call for happy days are here time

it is time to run for the gusto

it is a beer or the bust time

it is a barbecue time

it is a side step the unemployed time

it is a move forward time

it is the jolly time

it is the meek the blessed time

it is the God save the planet time

it is the green mean time

it is the swine flue time

it is to hoard for the future time

it is the Obama, Clinton diplomacy time

it is the Rush mob time

it is a fun time

Aren't we happy to have waited for the swell time?

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