Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sun Is Rising And The Mind Is Blogging

sun is rising

mind is blogging

simmering breeze is leaping through the window

reminding that there are nature's gifts not yet insured, and taxed.

the chatters are cluttering the air waves with shows and galores

beating the ignoramus drums, and throwing at us some crumbs

keeping us occupied with senseless hypes

no one to blame but ourselves watching and patronizing the shows.

the health care reform is in the air

insurance advocates are selling the charm and the insurance game

calling to bring the subsidized uninsured in the mandatory insurance pool

make the "free market" rich and keep the competition at shore is the plan.

there are plenty loud mouth Palinite Scrooge drunk on the "free market" booze

ready to serve the marketeers calls in the name of "conservative cause"

there is a fat creature with cigar on a radio bad mouthing the health reform

it is a pay up time for him since his radio show is owned by a wall street czar.

sun is rising

mind is blogging

democrats are on the move

blue democrats will join soon

keeping the Public Option alive.

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