Friday, August 28, 2009

The Morning Dew

the morning is showing

it's sparkling morning dew.

my eyes are barely open

to see what is to see, if there is anything new.

I better get going, my mind rambled.

I entered the kitchen to get a cup of tea

so I can see, the sparkling morning dew.

I opened the tea bag, and my mind wondered away

to see that the tea is from London, "The English Tea".

How it is so?

There are no tea gardens in London.

Oh, I forgot that humanity had it's day with the colonial reign.

So, what is to say.....stop wondering, and drink the tea

so you can see the sparkling morning dew.

I walked out side, the tea cup in my hand

what I saw was the nature's grace.

a beautiful morning with cool misty air, and

I forgot about the London colonial disgrace.

1 comment:

saras said...

excellent visuaisation
i reached brantlake too drinking tea .
keep them published now