Monday, August 10, 2009

Life's Four Step Dance

life's four step dance

swim the ocean, walk the ground,

clime the mountain, and reach high

life's four step dance

clip, dip, slip, and

down you go

to a la la land.

life's four step dance

be born, get loan,

live to pay the loan, and

then die.

life's four step dance

get acculturated,

get schooled,

eat fat, and get fat.

life's four step dance

meet, greet, be sweet,

and live to be drilled & grilled.

life's four step dance

the executive, the congress,

the senate, and the judiciary prank.

life's four step dance

town hall meeting,

palin's seating,

euthanasia greeting,

and the foot in the mouth.

life's four step dance

now for the readers to

fill in the rest

of the prance.

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