Thursday, August 13, 2009

Matter Is All Matters In Planetary Solar Stride

the ferments of life rise, and amalgamate

into the slopes of universe incline

to look into the eyes of sky

far into the distance of

planetary divide to seek the world peace, in silence.

on the slopes of mountain across the sky

the planetary rainbow comes alive

to reflect and celebrate

the freedom from the servitude of all time, in silence.

the mind drifts in silence.............

the silence breaks, some one is at the door

the dream ends

the day begins

the reality takes hold.

there is no end of servitude.

there is no world peace.

war games are on.

prisons are full.

poverty is rampaging.

the brains and the minds are on collision course

on evolutionary plain, so it seems.

the minds have broken the silence

to seek the power and control, and

the return of the servitude.

the planet earth is engulf

in multiple logic of premise divide.

the world peace is only in sleep and dream, for now

this can not be the evolving evolution, that we wish.

will the planetary mass burst to shape a new life? or

the life is a fluke, and matter is all matters in planetary solar stride.

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