Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Thought For The Day

A Globalized Commercialized, And Advertised World:

happiness is stitched, reigned, and claimed.
happiness is packaged, and delivered on short circuit planes
happiness is a business that reigns our time.
happiness is defined, scripted, and mined.

happiness is sold in products of all kinds.
the happiness seekers are buying, and are in line
to become credit enslave, and
are "happy" to fulfill the commercial end game.

it is a world of pharma, the dharma of our time.
Prozac, and Viagra are enshrined.
the world is told to shut up, buy, and dine, and
let the young do the waring, and the killing
to make a unipolar product world to reign in time
to bring the happiness to shine.

the illusions of happy days reign,
the commercials sing.........
"happy days are here again," the mantras of our time.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Unknown

The unknown is a play ground for conscious minds.
some minds play to seek power and control in the name of "divine",
and offer heaven and enlightenment to appease the minds.
some create prepositions, and suppositions to speculate the rhymes
to fill the egos needs and craving desires of all kinds.

when unknown rules, minds wonder near and far....
conscious minds reflect the ego sublime in momentary time.
egos mirage talks are all around "securing" peace in an insecure mind.
evolution's arms spread to clean the time with it's unforgiving incline,
the unknown is a play ground for conscious minds.

the sense
the perception, and
the conscious intertwine
to name and claim the unknown.

The unknown is a play ground for conscious minds.
minds complex create the lexicographic maze
to name the name of unknown.... in amaze.

it is all a wondrous ego game.

Monday, December 20, 2010

As Universe Form

my mind trembles, rambles, and shakes
as multiple forms of universe continue to form
in a dusty, rusty, ghostly, toasty 
drenched planetary space
where contradictions,
paradoxes, and
ironies are the rules of norm.

as universe form
planet like earth gleam.
life springs in silence
making life serene, and calm,
so it seems.........
only to be changed
as thoughts begins to reign
in minds sultry games.

rains bring the thundering streaks
to awaken the life to hear the nature's scream,
bringing the end of silence, and the calm
as life begins to do it's prance.

the living begins,
the chatters ring,
wars spread near and far,
empires and the states are built
extremists roam and groom
moderates play the loom
egos conflicting games take their roots
make roaring delusional sounds,
breaking the calm
to make a new norm.......
only to
bring back the longing for
the return of broken silence and the calm,
minds changing norms.

asynchronous come to reign only to
form a symphony under a Bataan.
the governing takes it's root
the spectacles of life begin to form
arts and musics sprout to sooth the gout
of forming universe in rouse,
a momentary relief from strains
until coffee begins to show it's stains.........

into the infinite space,
as universe form.
paradoxes, and
ironies are the rules of norm.

particles unite only to
break apart in scattered dust
to unite again in a swirling space
to race in a haste to pace,
as the universe form.

nothing remains the same
ideologues stake their claims
compassion games are played,
all in names..........
word chattering reigns
as the universe form.....

paradoxes, and
ironies are the rules of norm.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Imagination of Mind

lost in a planetary sojourn
searching for you.
I ponder to think about you,
never to find you,
the imagination of my mind.

what I found were the ghosts of
planetary play, the relay.....
searching for their own display,
lost in their play.

is it all fantasy, a reoccurring dream
flickering through my mind stream?
I question in my awakened greet, and
in my sleep, and dream.
my throbbing heart beats
to let the breath sustain my hopes to find you,
the imagination of my mind.

lost in the universe that surrounds me
tears in my eyes speak my mind,
aches my heart to not have found you.
chatters clutters the sounds around me,
you are no where to be found.

lost in planetary sojourn
searching for you.
I ponder to think about you,
never to find you,
the imagination of my mind.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Soul And The Minds Game

Are we separate from the soul?, or
Are we the soul of the soul on a planetary stroll
to meet and greet the other souls?

No body knows.
Speculation mount.
The brain intellectualizes every sound.
The gods begins to emerge in many domain.
Is it all fantasy or has a real name?
No body knows what is soul.

the pundits
the preachers
the rabbi
the imams
the intellectuals
all must feel ashamed as they
cover their false soul claims in the name
of God, or in an intellectual
premise game.

no one has seen a soul
no one has met the God
yet religious beliefs are strong, and
wants no compromise.
the intellectuals play the mind game,
and create premises to make their point.

the games of life and of the soul are all in name,
a lexicographic game
to amuse the brain
with minds game.

Mary Go Around

minds convolute to resolute to free from convolute, the mind.
the thought web surrounds and bounds, and
takes the mind to multiple mary go arounds.

minds rationalize the arguments to the core to make a point
of no return, with the masquerades of the convolute, the living themes.
it is all economic regimes to gain power to control.

the minds
to behold
the rationalized power gold.

minds convolute to resolute to free from the convolute, the mind.
It is an ironic game.
the thouught webs surrounds, abounds, and
takes the mind on a multiple mary go arounds.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sleep, And The Heart Beat

I did not get enough sleep
my heart is beating a sardonic beat
my mind is fluttering to keep the heart beat.

k-Bear seems to be happy as she can be
she sleeps, dreams, eats, and poops, and
I have to scoop the poop,
as I sleep walk to keep my heart to beat,
a sardonic beat.

I did not get enough sleep.
my heart is beating a sardonic beat
my mind is fluttering to keep the heart beat.
I am sleepy, sleepy, sleepy as I can be..........

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ego Talk

ego could be fun, and a delight.
if we take the spite out of ego's might.

thoughts expand, flow, and glow
with universe in row.
it is an ego talk in tow.

how high can we go?
nothing is impossible, and
the possibilities are all around.
ego talks are abound.

ego screams,
creates, and
flows in poetic streams
that flowers
shall blossom
to dry
to fly
with the wind
to join
the universe in it's swing.

ego's contradiction rings
are making life's meanings
contradictory, as ego
takes the up, down, and
around swings.

ego and it's fantasy, and
the creation of it's skill
could make minds
a power tool,
a fantasy machine, or
make the mind serene,
still, and
sublime in ego's mind.

there is no escaping from egos rhymes.
ego could be fun, and a delight
if we take the spite out of ego's might!!

intellectual and rational renderings are ego's delights,
an exercise to create knowledge gain, reduce pain, and
make it through the day without a living strain.

ideals of life are egos many might,
a conversion of power glide 
to make it through the night, or
to make feel good slight
to sooth a plight.
ego is always right.

it is an ego talk,
why should there be any surprise?

ego creates the splendor, and wise.
ego claims to be reflective, and slice.
egos are slicing,
staging, and
the minds.

to free the mind
from ego's grip.....
is a fantasy
of ego trip
that surrounds our time.

transcend and transform
to be free and glee
are egos play
to let the mind delude in
delusional stray.

ego can save,
ego can rave,
ego can enslave,
ego can rage,
ego can make
the human stake
to build or break.

ego could be fun, and a delight
if we take the spite out of ego's might.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Safe Moguls

there are ups, and there are downs.
the planet earth is full of clowns
in every moves of  ups and downs.
there are saints, and there are saints!
there is a paucity of thoughtful reigns.

humanity's dab with the technology
has increased manifold.
disconnects are spreading, and
connects are difficult to hold,
an irony of our time as Internet unfold.

the need for power to control is not less anymore
than it has been for some time in humanity's corridor.
there are more Moguls hiding behind the corporate shields, and
the state's are shielding the corporate shields,
making the Moguls safe, and out of reach.

this is our time.
the year 2010 is folding it's tent.
populous life can be bought, rent, and sold
under the banner of lawful contract mold.
commercials disguise have mesmerized the human soul.
brains are polluted as ideologue minds are in control.


Planetary Slum

the mind drifts,
the brain swifts,
the sleep hovers, and
the thoughts rifts.

feelings are numb
as I take a plunge
in human planetary slum.

A Romantic Spin

romantic spins are
the fragments of our minds,
soothing the delusions, and
praising the drifting imaginations.

the symbols, and the metaphor rise
to make through the drenched minds
idealized in romantic spins of our time.

the present compromise,
the rise of Obama might,
is a romantic spin of our time.

it is Obama's time to spin, and
camouflage the state crimes.
voters illusions come to light,
a romantic spin, the cling of our time.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

An Evolution's Mutant Gene

the human being is
an evolution's mutant gene,
wrapped in intelligence ravine
is on a consuming spree.

the human being,
the claimant of "power", and
the knower of the "Supreme Being"
is an ego obese machine.

ego is the all knowing being,
an imagination machine
wrapped in intelligence ravine.

ego is a "loving" machine,
not knowing what it means.
ego's imagination defines the love, and
it's being.

ego is a  warring machine
with mercy unseen.

the human being is
an evolution's mutant gene
wrapped in intelligence ravine
is on consuming spree.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Education Equation

Education minus schooling
plus imagination strolling
multiplied by the creative cajoling
shall empower the human soul
to reach the higher poles, and
shall save the human souls
from falsehood holes.

it is a dream
for which we must scream
to free human souls
from the bondage of schooling
black holes.

Illusions of Our Time

technology has it's rhymes
prancing on the earthly times
connecting the minds.......

globalization amasses
capitalization masses
Wall Street plays it's charm
converts a dime into billions
of security lines........
it is a paper money time.
the illusions of prosperity shines.

technology has it's rhymes
prancing on the earthly times
connecting the minds.......
with the illusions of our time.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Space Joggging

water  flows ...someone is calling.
the mountain climes, and the sunset time
the drenched rain is falling.....
I am awaken, the sun is shining.

what is this about?, minds queries abound.
are my cells need hydrating?
particles are calling.
I filled my thirst, and off... I go for walking.

Particles Flow And The Write Ups of Mind.

write ups are the minds sojourn
to form from nothing to something
to shake the nothingness into a glow
in space where particles flow.
the mystery of universe grows, and
the flow of particles never slows.
write ups are the minds sojourn. 

minds seek conjunct to unconnect
in the travesty of momentary moments
which never stays the same.

minds seek permanence
to make impermanence universe to stay,
a contradiction in design of wishful mind.
the space flow is not to stay but to flow and grow.
It is the permanence of impermanence rhyme.

write ups are the minds sojourn into the particles flow
seeking nothing but to know and grow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Evolution in Planetary Race

hearts embrace.......
the neutrinos surrounds the base.

thoughts wonder like a meandering stream,
as it dreams, never in a place,
yet it is in a pace with space.

planets are budding, racing, and
swirling in space in moments
at a momentary pace
to change the course.
swirls move in to fill every momentary enclave,
as particles burst to free the enclave from it's enslave.

light and the darkness wobble
in the midst of particles grinds, as
universe comes alive to light, and
enshrine the planetary incline.

evolution in planetary race is
free from the time's encase.
there is no mind in lace.
there is no time in race.
planetary race is filled with particle trace.
particles are bursting to free the enslave.

evolution in planetary race has no design in place.
designs of wobble, flow, and inclines are the
artificial designs changing in every moment to form the enclave,
as particles burst to free the enclave.

evolution in planetary race is a permanence of an impermanence trace.
it is all momentary in moments name.
there is no permanence, and
there is no impermanence.
it is the planetary evolution's particles game.

in space, minds wonders are planetary renders and
momentary candor, as thoughts surrender to hearts embrace.
the neutrinos surrounds the base.

the impermanence's permanence takes it's place.
the particles in space are the permanence,
as they guide the evolution in planetary race
to be
to see
to glee
the wonders of evolution in a planetary race
filled with hearts of embrace.
the neutrinos leaves the place.

We Are The Witness of Our Time

it is a tweet time.
it is a happy psychology time.
it is a quick fix time.
it is a time to get away from the nature, and
join the corporate suite time.
it is a time to follow corporate rule time, and
get in line to join the global assembly line.

it is a time to redirect the free speech to corporate line.
it is a behavior modification time.
it is a restructuring of mind set time.
it is a fine print time.
it is a media corporate lawyers time.

it is a toll Boothe time.
it is a time to control the highway line.
it is a fossil fuel time.
it is Dubai's money time.

it is a religious extremist time.
it is a waging wars, and suicide bomber time.



we are the victims of our delusions.
we are the masters of games of illusions.
we are the culprits of our collusion to illusions
to foment the delusions.

we are climbing the mountains,
cruising the oceans,
racing the course, and
forgetting the caress
to free our duress.

we are the victims of our delusions.
we are the masters of games of illusions.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


our time meant to be a playful evolutionary incline
to learn, to play, to love, and to dine.
instead, it has turned into a media sound bite time,
a confluence of mirage and camouflage of it's kind.

now, our time is a Facebook time.
it is a tweeter, and money making time.
it is a night time TV funny time.

it is a Disney's fantasy rhyme.
it is a wall street's mocking time.
it is a globalized plastic time.
it is McDonald's play ground.

it is a robocall time.
it is an election and misinformation time.
it is a schooling, fooling, and ruling time.
it is a cleaver commercial brain washing time.
it is a day time media soap opera time.

it is a corporation time.
it is a wall street's Ponzi game time.
it is a money managers time.
it is an insurance industry time.
it is a corporation employees surrender time.

it is a camouflage time.
it is a patriotic time.
it is a security time.
it is an airport striping time.
it is a selling of the freedom time.

it is a master corporate design time.
it is a cleaver ethics and standards time.
it is a best practice time.
it is an evidence based time.
it is a research scarcity time.
it is our time......



Freedom is not free in our time.

freedom is a state of minds
carved by the culture wines
dipped in religious rhymes
defined in economic times
drummed in political slimes

Freedom is not free in our time.

free the freedom to live and shine.
freedom must be free
not owned, controlled, and priced.
freedom must be free
not bestowed by the grace of any kind.

Freedom is not free in our time.

freedom is a state of minds
carved in culture wines.
dipped in religious rhymes
defined in economic times
drummed in political slimes

Freedom is not free in our time.
We are the witness of our time.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Could It Be, A World To Be?

I slept through the night dreaming, what it could be.
could it be, a world to be?

simmering doubts slipped away,
as the dawn arrived piercing with breeze
that my heart loves to squeeze and feel.

I thought to myself,
what it is to be,
as the words rendered what is to be.

be liberal, and
celebrate diversity and variations in making the soul.
be conservative, and
conserve the physical and human source.
change the mind set, and set a different course.

look around
the happiness surrounds
the beauty abounds
no need for a warring ground.

let the perceptions of our senses, and
the creations of our minds
build a new world that is to be.

not a warring world but
a calm and serene world.
not a divisive world but
an inclusive world.
a world producing the essence and spice
not a world producing the pollution and wise!!

is it my delusion, or a mirage of my mind?
bringing the sense in a senseless time.
to imagine a world free from a warring life.
could it be, a world to be?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Year 2010

November 4, 2010

the year 2010 is almost coming to an end.
ignorance has ruled, I must commend.

who have benefitted the most during the last two years, and
who were roasted and burned previous ten years
have bought the tea party and the republican roast.
ignorance has ruled at it's best, I must commend.
the year 2010 is coming to an end.

midterm elections are over,
Obama has invited the victors to the White House, and
is flying overseas to seek the cover
while the feds are printing the money all over.

times of India is reporting president's coming.
there are "34 war ships" covering the president's trip.
fighter planes have landed ahead of his landing strip.
the claims of such an entourage are denied by the pentagon.

the empire is on the move, as the globalization is taking it's root
in all the corners of the world to produce, seduce, and pollute.

there are new emperors in our time.
they are called the corporate giants.
they are spreading their wings.
giants do some good to cover their malicious intents
to control the media, minds, and the rest.

there are extremists of all kinds
waging wars and terrors in our times.
misinformation clogs the media rhymes.

the year 2010 is almost coming to an end
ignorance has ruled, I must commend.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Place

am I lost in space?, or
am I exploring the pace
to find the nature's grace?

surprise came, mirage lifted, and
I found the self in place.
it has never left the space.
the place where I am, is the right place.

Monday, October 25, 2010

We Are The Witness of Our Time

we are a natural phenomenon
filled with pollution of our time.
wobbling in space, watching
the extremists waring disgrace.
we are the witness of our time.

we must not leave behind
a blind  history of our time
to be covered by political deceits
that controls our time, and pollutes our mind.
we are the witness of our time

the planet earth is globalized,
mined, and capitalized.
pollution, and poverty are on the rise.
extremists are waring, and
controlling the human mind.
we are the witness of our time.

it is the beginning of 21st century.
life is politicized, controlled, and
rationalized to it's core.
media is bought, and
is filled with commercial rendering.
we are the witness of our time.

we are a natural phenomenon
filled with the pollution of our time.
wobbling in space, watching
the extremists waring disgrace.
we are the witness of our time.

must not forget the good, bad, and different of our time
that are filled with streaks of crimes
camouflaged in fancy commercial media rhymes
these are the display of illusions of our time.
we are the witness of our time.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Ego Game

Ego is a treachery, or
ego is a mastery of inclines, or
ego is the health's declaratory divine?.

It all depends........
what ego, and whose ego one finds in a mind
is it the ego that craves, and raves?, or
is it the ego that saves and shines?
is it a commercialized and depraved mind? ,or
is it a mind struggling to stay sane in an insane planetary mine?

Ego is a piece of work that has evolved over time.
It bring the facial smirks, smiles of gaiety, and
rambles of power.
It drenches the mind
as it punches from all sides,
and races to speed ahead like no other kind
to smother and pollute the human mind.

ego is up front
ego is behind.
ego is on the right.
ego is on the left.
ego is in the middle.
ego is every where.
ego is in the temple.
ego is in the church,
ego is in the mosque,
ego is in the synagogue,
ego plays the love game,
ego is in the sorrow.
ego is in all the holy grails,

no matter where you look, it is the ego
which is racing
never surrendering
it is the ego rendering
doing it's wondering.

there is no running from the ego.
there is no escaping from the ego divine.

where do we go to find a reprieve
from the ego in a world full of nothing but egos?
should we seek the monastery reprieve? or
should we come to Lena's cafe, and speak our peace?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Touch of Hand

when life's moments are tender.
emotions come, and render,
it's time to remember
what sustain life's moments
when they are tender.

it is a touch
of another hand.

no profundity
no intellectual discourse
no sermon
no song
can undo
what a touch
of another hand
can do.........

it's a touch
not a brush
not a word
not a paint
not a saint........

it's a touch.
a simple touch
is to free the mind
from it's anguish rhyme
to bring the rush
of life
to run through the spine
into the
cerebral incline
to bring the nirvana in our time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Particles of Life

the particles of life move in slide
as they glide to make strides
to sooth the hearts and the minds
in every momentary moments that come by
to remind the living strides the purpose of life.

the particles of life sputter
make sound
as they go around
to find the other sound
coming to remind
the life's splendor
not to be forgotten in living yonder.

the particles of life glitter
make light a matter's delight
to see the sight
to make the world bright, and
free from the inner and the outer fight
to live a life free from the fright.

the particles of life are humming
gracing the living wonders
not to be surrender
to warring calendar.

the particles of life..............

Rain Lays No Claims

I am waking up to see the rain's splendor.
when it rains, the earth gains
the power of rain is to sustain not to make a claim.
the earth is soaking the rain to lay for the winter
in hopes for the spring to bring the life's sprouting reign.
the rain lays no claims.

after a sleepy winter yonder the life will be awakened to wonder again
the sky shall open to refresh minds to see here and beyond
the fresh breeze will come to do it's dance, rain will fall
to sprout and rejuvenate life once again.
the rain lays no claims.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Battered Minds

this is the beginning of 21st century.....
political chatters fly high,
while the human minds are battered in life's low churning sly.
the living peace games surmount as warring factions mounts.
the idea, ideologies, and the ideologues nix to control
as the games of war mongers roll and stroll.

motivational gurus, and the positive psychologists plaster the minds with sickening corridor.
making life sickening even more.
it is all about mining of the human resource to mine and deplete the planet's every shores.

there is nothing that matters anymore unless it is to fatten the wall street reign
it is all about the games to enslave the human minds to grind
it is the gaming roar.... that runs the wall street's derivative galore
media shows are diversions to the core like political manipulative corridors.
political chatters fly high,
while the human minds are battered in life's low churning sly.

poverty grows as the billionaires clubs explode.
is there any sane explanation that explains this phenomenon uproar?
the race is on to control, and feed the human minds with commercial rhymes.
the product Brands flash on media screen in sound bite greens
while forests are cut and cleaned from the planet's spleen.
political chatters fly high,
while the human minds are battered in life's low churning sly.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Fall is in The Air

Church bells rang, and songs are sang.
the claims of truths are proclaimed
to justify the living terrain.
At the same time somewhere on the plain
temples, mosques, and synagogues must be making their claims
in their God's name to proclaim the truth as they claim.
it all seems like a delusional hallucinogenic game
to keep the minds in reign.

It has been raining all morning
rain drops are touching the ground,
and making the sputtering sound
reminding the nature's reign.

heart keeps beating
to keep up with the rain
in synchronous with every breath
that I take to fill the brain
with songs of rain.

Prayers of the believers are over
as they leave the Church and it's clover

I follow the rain
the fresh air brisk by
as I come near a passing river
the fall is in the air
which has nothing to do with the morning prayer
but don't tell this to the believer,
if you want to live....and not shiver.......

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Minds Peace Games

minds "peace" games are being played in "God's" name.
claims are being made to build the bridges to sooth the rage
but the power play is on, under, and around every page
dark ages continue to lurk in digital age.
it is all nothing but minds games in "God's" name.
the minds games are played to control the human brains.

minds controlling games are occupying the human brains.
minds reigns are polluting the ocean terrain,
flattening the mountains grains, and concretizing the plains.........all to satisfy the minds vain.

minds are smothering, squandering, and wrenching with strain, the human brains.
minds "peace" games are played in "God's" name to control the human brains to wage wars and jihads and cause pains.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What "I" have experienced in this present form,
can it be experienced when "I" may be in another "form"?
"I" wonder as "I" roams the planet near and far..........

The claims of experience of knowing have been formed
in religions and religiosity's wide spread tundra,
in spiritual name shake karma, and
in intellectual rationalized drama.
claims are claims nothing but claims,
a camouflage for ignorance game.

For the believers it does not matter
as their minds and the matters are saturated 
by religious explains to accept on faith.

It is another day of claims, and reigns that builds on human pains.
A shenanigan that never ends....... but more of the same continues to commend.
The "I" is in the rain of claims and pains.
Do all forms experience the same,
the doldrums of claimant's claims?

"I" wishes the folly of the truth of claimants to reign the shenanigans of claims,
as the claimant's surf the "truth's" delusional hallucinogenic mirage in their God's name.

Monday, August 30, 2010


It is deep, raving, waving, raging, and still spreading the silence spree
It is a sea.
It is hot, cold, and moving in stroll to roar the planet's every core in glee
It is a sea.
It is the cradle of life being playful with the wind as it rise to catch the sky to be
It is a sea.
People come to conquer thee---- only to be submerged in awe to see
It is a sea.......full of life which makes them to be.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


It is rough, tumble, and tender to be
It is a sea.
It is quiet as quietness can be
It is a sea.
It wobbles and roars to make it known
It is a sea.
It is deep with mysteries to keep and reap
It is a sea.
It is a longing in sand the particles to be what it used to be
It is a sea,
to see and to be...............

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Thinking Dream

I dreamed a dream that the world is free from it's waring stream.
I found myself up in the sky smiling as I saw the world with no waring spy.
it was a short lived dream.
A nightmare followed as I heard the waring scream.
My heart fluttered in shock and filled in sorrow.
I dreamed that I fell from the bed awakened by the sun as I am dreaming away in a sway,
the return of the waring play.
The Robin at the window flew giving my mind a reprieve from the nightmare slew, a dream in a dream.

life is a dream,
I am dreaming, a dream of dreams......
some are laughing dreams, and some are sad and screaming dreams
some are social hazing dreams.
I am thinking in dream.
it is dreaming prance in a hollow space..............
the space in a race
dream, the matters grace.

I woke up and found myself still thinking the dream, a thinking dream!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


stop living a planned living, and live forever.
the universe has no plans, and it lives on........
every ion, every particle, every moment in moments are alive and well
grounds reckon the sky, the oceans roar and swell
the universe has no plans, no banks, no state, and it lives on.
so, stop living a planned living, and live forever.

it is not easy to live as life has been planned before you came along
countries are made, scaled, and trade
wars are waged in the name of holy grail
religious songs and dance are razed like no other blaze
the values are created
life is justified
plans are planned
life missions are renegaded
power structures are gleamed and glanced
it is not easy to live as life has been planned before you came along.

free life from the planned plans, and let the universe in you to live on
it is not easy to live as life has been planned before you came along
you were held, tagged, and named as you came
life's plans were put in place as you were reared and played
acculturation has taken roots before you spoke your first word
the words you learned came from a planned reign.
it is not easy to live as life has been planned before you came along.

stop living a planned living, and live forever
the universe has no plans, and it lives on
every ion, every particle, every moment in moments are alive and well
ground reckons the sky, the oceans roar and swell
the universe has no plan, no bank, no state, and it lives on
so, stop living the planned living, and live forever

Friday, July 2, 2010

An Enigma Sad As It Is Belongs To Human Race

I was walking in a haze....confused, and depressed knowing that the wars and their blaze are everywhere.
my emotions were at rage..... yet there was a calming trace in a restless craze 
Connoting the restless craze to a calming trace which is difficult to embrace,
it is a living drama of ambivalence and it's race.

Human race is in it's perpetual warring escapade.
the warring escapade that has draped her, enslaved her, and
kept her in the dungeon... yet some consider it a chivalry in play.
winter, spring, summer, and the fall come and slip away
wars stay......what is to say, an enigma sad as it is belongs to human race.

There is serenity, and there is beauty all around, yet
warring and killing continues to reign among all the beauties, and the living grace.
how to explain this parlance of human mind game?
an enigma sad as it is belongs to human race.

is it an evolution drama being played and relayed?
is it an intelligence's game to end the human race
to form a new universe that has no warring place? or,
seeking a no warring place is a delusional escapade.
it is what it is: an enigma sad as it is belongs to human race.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Simmering Breeze

I slept, and in my dream I felt 
the embrace of a simmering breeze
touching my skin to surround
my mind and the throbbing heart.

simmering breeze as
you touched my face
my body immersed with you
and felt every particle
that abounds you.

you were with me, in me, around me
like a shared breadth.
I felt your playful caress
free from all duress.

you are the matters delight
bestowed in every sight,
the simmering breeze,
you are a loving squeeze.
making life a living breeze.......

Life is The Matters Delight

life is the matters delight.
ions... life's core return to earthly plight.
to share the matters piercing sight.
it is all in foresight slithering light.

never mind, life is a game of light.
light years are passing by that confuses and boggles the mind.
the ions are moving with the speed of light.
imagination is stretching the moving sight.

life is the matters delight.
love serenade's in planetary space
where war mongers have no place.
love glides the embrace of devine space
as matters dance and race.

life is the matters delight.
look now, look then, and look the far sight.
the glance of light
the life's might, the matters delight.
life is here, there, and every where
mingled in ions, the matter's carry on.

life is the matters delight
life is low.
life is high.
life is in every momentary slope.
life is free to come and go,
a free will in it's ultimate glow.

life is the matters delight.
there is no flight.
there is no fight.
all the thundering, the calm, the rain, and the snow
are the games of matters in a row
connecting the ions here and far
making the universe whole.

life is the matters delight.........

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Momentary Shine, The Incline, And The Sublime

it is not the mind, the heart, or the soul that matters and roles
it is the matters matter that queers and makes the moles
the plains, the mountains, the rivers, and the ocean shores
making and remaking the life in matters of moments that coasts.

the serenity, the turbulence, and the striking lights are the moments shine
making and remaking the trickery of the mind, the heart, and the soul
matters race through the space forming capes and burning firing sunny rays
momentary life surface and makes the matters of its race
enchanted and disenchanted creating the the mind, the heart, and the soul.
as the serenity, the turbulence, and the striking lights of the moments incline.

it is all the same: the momentary shine, the incline, and the sublime.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Humor Marketeers Syndicates

the planet earth is filled with humoring humors.
humors are syndicated, and are
used to vindicate the culprit commercial inclines.

the cheers, the laughs, and the laughter are used
to relieve the human hearts and the minds from
the heinous fake splendors of living
caused by the commercial ravines.

the matters are moving
in expanding universe space.
the galaxies, the stars, and the black-holes
are forming to reform the forms in place.

a new place to be formed, where laughter is primal
not a sublimate for the blunders of human trace
relieving the need to syndicate
the commercial comedians, and the fake splendors
of the marketeers game to relieve the self-inflicted pains

is this a stretch of my imagination tired from the daily fascinations, or
is this the brain's illusion seeking solace in matters race for a new place?
the answer is strolling, rolling, and beholding in matters grain.....

in the mean time, may the commercial syndicates of humor
humor themselves to no avail.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Waking Up To Time

why do we do what we do?
the answers are the caveats of shifting grains of minds like no other than the moments in time
the imagination, the intelligence, and the raucous minds
are filling the living chatters, and the living desires in time.

there are no reasons living among the reasons, and
there are no rhymes living among the rhymes of rationalized minds
keeping the life's dramas running and humming.
a peaceful mind sees what is around
that cleans the sleaze of all kinds.

the calm that brings no harm
the turbulence shakes the mind
the calm and the turbulence live together
in a calm yet turbulence time.

why do we do what we do remains the enigma of all time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Return of Silent Mind

my brain's matters are emitting the rays
the mind is nothing but silent
as I clamor in my place.
the mood is calm, a contradiction in space.
brain's matters are making their way.
the matters are the brain's height.
brain is shining, and
keeping the mind's raucous away.

something strange comes into play
the media is using the matters
to bring minds in play.
the talks,
the comedians,
the politicians,
the walks,
the games, and
the commercials are every where.
the media verbal diarrhea is on the rise.
it is of no surprise,
the mind games are in play.

the minds are darkened
by the media carbon.
the brains are shaken.
the calm is broken.
the minds soaps are rolling.

Greenspan is joking.
derivatives are played and relayed.
McCain and Lieberman warring minds are on display.
stocks are bouncing.
the war is rousing.

the media minds are rocking
oblivion of their final demise
in evolution's incline,
the return of the silent mind.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happiness Falsehood

rationalize, rationalize, and rationalize more
to live in denial, and feel "happy" and "secure".....
thoughts and feelings from the hearts, and
minds are rationalized.   
the art of rationalization is a feel good positive mantra and decor,
a falsehood, and a denial galore.

life is what it is: a bundle of servitude.
life is an illusion, and
life's feel good positive shrills are
collusion of insecure rationalized minds, and more......

rationalized guides, and
the positive sermons
are abound.
It is a time of quick fix drama rhyme,
a facebook time,
a myspace time,
a tweeter time.
all this and plenty more.......
are the games of rationalized rhymes of our time
riding on a fast track digital ride.

Gulf is covered with oil spill.
derivative games are played with money thrill.
extremists are waging war games
military industrial complex is in control
what else is left to say?
rationalize and be gay, and
fulfill the rationalized desires of the day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Matters Matter

the brains and the hearts are life's technocrats.
it is not the brain, and it is not the heart that matters in life's race.
the brains, the hearts, and the rest of the body parts are the translucent molecules,
the matters substrate, an over rated human minds gaits and the grits.

human minds presumptions of brains and the hearts fly high
as human minds self medicate with the minds wobbling living games of aptitudes
in a world of refined cosmetic servitude.

the matters movements are spreading and making the way into the space sway.
the gaiety and the conflicts of minds are the matters cannery
spiking, conjuring the meaninglessness into the nothingness.

Matters curves, and the moves are simple and oblique:
no histories, no aptitudes, and no servitudes.........

All there is that matters are the matters.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moments in Dismay: The Destiny of Planetary Sway

what is to say?
it is all in dismay
the thoughts, and
the feelings race
like a racing river
rushed by a storm
in dismay to find it's way.

it is night by the river side
the dark shroud covers the space
what is to say?
it is all in dismay

the lightening in the sky
brightens momentarily
to clear the dark shroud covering the sky
only to fall back in the darkness of night
what is to say?
it is all in dismay

in the darkness of night
the sight is nothing but blind
nothing to look in front or in hind
suddenly a deep desire comes from inside
ruffles the senses
awakens the mind, a reprieve from the blind side
what is to say?
it is too is all in dismay
as senses and the minds are coiled, roiled, and acculturated away
before they blossom to live and play.

moments in dismay are passing away as sparks of light making their way
rendering nothing into nothingness as they themselves wonder in dismay.
it is what it is, the destiny of planetary sway.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Dreamy Night

I was asleep...........
a dream approached and awakened my senses
took me away from the daily ideologues rampaged
into the space where the matters matter as the universe sputters and grows.

the universe, a matter's ravine is scaling the space.
my senses in awe swirled in a rapid moving terrain, and
what I saw were matters full of lights forming in expanding space
it was a chaotic race...... yet it had a pace........
my imagination intertwined with thoughts and spine to pace
with matters racing in a planetary race....

then I found myself in a flowing river, and
I am rowing over the forming rapids......
the fresh water spattered over my face,
an eagle flies by through the mountainous terrain, and
I am rowing away with river's foaming grain.........

the sun pierced into my eyes, and I was awakened to a new conscious day.....
thinking about the space, the river, and the eagle....all for the name sake
the radio blasts a commercial on PBS, an ironic spade
oh, I am awakened again to a rampaging ideologues game....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gaming Terrain

hearts are throbbing and desires are coiled
minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled
the drama of living sputters, and clutters....

the rivers flow with glow from the mountain top
the valley awaits the river's descend with no stop
in a glassy watery pieces the river makes it's pass
in bits
in tits
in grains
touching the surface and the rain......

beneath the surface lies the volcanic, trembling earth plates
drifting, moving, and changing the terrain
it is never, ever, remains the same in an expanding universe game.

my tearful eyes are seeing the warring cruelty of hearts and minds,
the egoist cuddling filled with the rumblings underneath are sharp as a knife.
the humanity's surface games manifest it's fears beneath.

the hearts desires are coiled
the minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled
the drama of living sputters, and clutters
with every coming and going of living terrain,
a junket of living comes covered with flowers for the show
since humanity has no flowers of it's own.

the arts
the theaters
the Golden Globes,
are the glassy glitters of pomp and shows
hiding beneath the slithering,
the contemptuous human "souls"

the hearts desires are coiled
the minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled.

the politics of living is what it is,
a living games of talks and shows to seek the power and control.
the power and the control are the games, the surreal games
to control the egos of insecure human living souls,
a mirage of hope is bestowed to cover and to cope with the slithering living
covered in camouflage of human cultured civilizations to the core.

the hearts desires are coiled.
the minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I sleep in a world of multiple shooting stars
cell body is restless and tired
the sweat, and the heart beat mingle in a
bacterial and viral living to seek an ironic rest.

I am awake and mind's perceptions cringe
as the doll drums of life swings, and
the warring games spread.
the recession holds tight as humanity struggles and fight
for it's survival.
the Wall Street profits rise, and
the extremists fight, kill, and die
nothing has changed
humanity is divided, and the ideologues fight for their might

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Human Demise

birds fly up in the sky to glide into the air mass to play.
humans fly up in the sky to ride, pollute, and degrade.
it is the matter of the air mass that sustain life.
life is not sustainable without the matter mass.

the mass is being destroyed by the human adventure,
a suicidal act of human fossil fuel venture.
is it an evolutionary drama? or
a madness drama?

my heart pounds
pumps the natures sound
the matters delight.

I breath the polluted air
my body mass is covered with the polluted mass
the heart sputters
loses the nature's sound and the delight
humanity is faced with it's own pollution plight

birds are still flying.
for how long will they fly in a polluted air mass before they die, and
leave humanity to succumb in it's pollution creation demise.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Am Numb

I am numb in space rhyme.
roaring mind slumps in crumbs.
immortal time watches
the change in forms.
the chatter on earth grinds
the meaningless rhyme.

wars of savages rages.
the acts of wars are justified.
morals of wars are rationalized.
I am numb in space rhyme.
the knowing, the feeling, and the blinks of eyes
cover the numbness in space rhyme in moments of time.

the rain sputters the ground.
the cool air takes turns and makes round.
the living moves and cues in senseless warring craze.
the cool air becomes colder to display it's anger
to freeze in heat the ravaging warring fleet.

the roaring mind slumps in crumbs.
I am numb.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Greetings from Adirondack:

Snow is on the ground, it is serene beyond belief, the simmering breeze though cold has the love chill that moves the soul beyond grief into the waving, playing ocean reef..........

My many many thanks to all of you for visiting my poem, poetry, and whatever comes to mind at poetryoncommentaryplus........

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We Can Not See What Mind Obscure

we can not see what mind obscure.....
mind had it's run with "destinies" caved, carved, and slaved in times.
mind is wrapped and warped by indoctrinations of all kinds.

sun is rising slowly, peeking through the sky.
the plains are whispering as the passers go by.
mountains are rising to kiss the sky.
the oceans are roaring as morning arrive.

the beauty is sound, around, and surrounds,
yet the wars roar across the planetary space as never before.

warring minds are waging wars of all kinds.
religious fervor are obscuring the mind.
"cultures" are no better than religious fervor "divine".
political ideologues are busy in brain washing and coercion to
make the word of their kind to control.

mind is obscured among the beauties that surrounds
thoughts are rationalized to obscure the mind
the "destinies" of our time is no different than any other time.

we can not see what mind obscure................

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mysterious Awe

deep in heart lies the mysterious awe
the crave that fills the life, swings by
the breath spills the shrill that sparkles
every neuron with nectar that races
through my mind.

the chill of chilly warms the cold, and
brings the sweat that my heart so desire
the space rocks, the feelings burst
to see the eyes filled with passion
making the desire fulfilled......

the ocean waves are rolling
to fill the foot strolling
the shores
the stalling
the desire
that heart so desire.

deep in heart lies the mysterious awe
the crave that fills the life, swings by
mysteriously to say good by.

the matters of space intertwine
to reach the universe incline
to feel the fresh breeze that had
come, and passed by in simmering

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Beauty And The Serenity Abounds

my deary eyes were sleepy.
the snow was falling.
the calm held the valley.
the brain was ruminating the
serotonin clamping to make
the sleep divine, yet my thoughts
were pacing.

is it a mirage of my mind making me
to seek and find a no nothing rhyme?
the life that sparks the momentary spike
is all there is to be found in a living grind.

humanity is besieged with perpetual waring minds 
peace is a chip in the play of the waring minds.
humanity's primal insecure minds are rationalizing
the waring deeds.
I must heed to my sleepy eyes as there is nothing
stopping the waring minds.

then I saw a beautiful face on facebook
that caught my eyes, making the universe divine,
a flicker of hope raced through my spine.
the beauty, and the grace abounds
in the midst of the waring minds that surrounds.

I slept well, and woke up to see the snow all around.
the beauty, and the serenity are sound, around, and abound.......

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Dreamed, Dreamed, And Dreamed

I slept and dreamed the place,
a place where heart is calling, and
the mind is scaling.

it is a place that spreads across the planetary divide.
it is a breathing place,
a place it is to be.
it is a place where religious fervors die, and
the economic misdeeds never survive, and
the mind's treacherous deeds are scaled and derailed.
it is a place where planet earth's unfulfilled dreams come alive.
it is a dream place,
a heart's calling place, and
the mind's scaling place.

I woke up to a real place to dream the dream.
I dreamed, dreamed, dreamed, and dreamed to no avail.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Stillness Reigns

ideologues rampage the planet earth
they come in diverse shapes, colors, and hearths.
power and control is the perpetual name of the game.

it is a primal nightmare that surrounds the human race.
is it an evolution's treacherous game to end the human face?
my mind is troubled as it wobbles in the planetary space.
sadness and sorrows take over at a steady pace.

for my sadness and sorrows there is a reprieve.
the snow is falling and spreading the stillness.
the still moment reminds me the nature of momentary trace.
the matters of life are evolving among the volcanic spade.
stillness follows the turbulence of the planetary grain.

stillness regains, and reigns, and I am off to be momentarily "sane" again......