Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gaming Terrain

hearts are throbbing and desires are coiled
minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled
the drama of living sputters, and clutters....

the rivers flow with glow from the mountain top
the valley awaits the river's descend with no stop
in a glassy watery pieces the river makes it's pass
in bits
in tits
in grains
touching the surface and the rain......

beneath the surface lies the volcanic, trembling earth plates
drifting, moving, and changing the terrain
it is never, ever, remains the same in an expanding universe game.

my tearful eyes are seeing the warring cruelty of hearts and minds,
the egoist cuddling filled with the rumblings underneath are sharp as a knife.
the humanity's surface games manifest it's fears beneath.

the hearts desires are coiled
the minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled
the drama of living sputters, and clutters
with every coming and going of living terrain,
a junket of living comes covered with flowers for the show
since humanity has no flowers of it's own.

the arts
the theaters
the Golden Globes,
are the glassy glitters of pomp and shows
hiding beneath the slithering,
the contemptuous human "souls"

the hearts desires are coiled
the minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled.

the politics of living is what it is,
a living games of talks and shows to seek the power and control.
the power and the control are the games, the surreal games
to control the egos of insecure human living souls,
a mirage of hope is bestowed to cover and to cope with the slithering living
covered in camouflage of human cultured civilizations to the core.

the hearts desires are coiled.
the minds are acculturated, masked, and roiled.

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