Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Dreamy Night

I was asleep...........
a dream approached and awakened my senses
took me away from the daily ideologues rampaged
into the space where the matters matter as the universe sputters and grows.

the universe, a matter's ravine is scaling the space.
my senses in awe swirled in a rapid moving terrain, and
what I saw were matters full of lights forming in expanding space
it was a chaotic race...... yet it had a pace........
my imagination intertwined with thoughts and spine to pace
with matters racing in a planetary race....

then I found myself in a flowing river, and
I am rowing over the forming rapids......
the fresh water spattered over my face,
an eagle flies by through the mountainous terrain, and
I am rowing away with river's foaming grain.........

the sun pierced into my eyes, and I was awakened to a new conscious day.....
thinking about the space, the river, and the eagle....all for the name sake
the radio blasts a commercial on PBS, an ironic spade
oh, I am awakened again to a rampaging ideologues game....

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