Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moments in Dismay: The Destiny of Planetary Sway

what is to say?
it is all in dismay
the thoughts, and
the feelings race
like a racing river
rushed by a storm
in dismay to find it's way.

it is night by the river side
the dark shroud covers the space
what is to say?
it is all in dismay

the lightening in the sky
brightens momentarily
to clear the dark shroud covering the sky
only to fall back in the darkness of night
what is to say?
it is all in dismay

in the darkness of night
the sight is nothing but blind
nothing to look in front or in hind
suddenly a deep desire comes from inside
ruffles the senses
awakens the mind, a reprieve from the blind side
what is to say?
it is too is all in dismay
as senses and the minds are coiled, roiled, and acculturated away
before they blossom to live and play.

moments in dismay are passing away as sparks of light making their way
rendering nothing into nothingness as they themselves wonder in dismay.
it is what it is, the destiny of planetary sway.

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