Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Matters Matter

the brains and the hearts are life's technocrats.
it is not the brain, and it is not the heart that matters in life's race.
the brains, the hearts, and the rest of the body parts are the translucent molecules,
the matters substrate, an over rated human minds gaits and the grits.

human minds presumptions of brains and the hearts fly high
as human minds self medicate with the minds wobbling living games of aptitudes
in a world of refined cosmetic servitude.

the matters movements are spreading and making the way into the space sway.
the gaiety and the conflicts of minds are the matters cannery
spiking, conjuring the meaninglessness into the nothingness.

Matters curves, and the moves are simple and oblique:
no histories, no aptitudes, and no servitudes.........

All there is that matters are the matters.

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