Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happiness Falsehood

rationalize, rationalize, and rationalize more
to live in denial, and feel "happy" and "secure".....
thoughts and feelings from the hearts, and
minds are rationalized.   
the art of rationalization is a feel good positive mantra and decor,
a falsehood, and a denial galore.

life is what it is: a bundle of servitude.
life is an illusion, and
life's feel good positive shrills are
collusion of insecure rationalized minds, and more......

rationalized guides, and
the positive sermons
are abound.
It is a time of quick fix drama rhyme,
a facebook time,
a myspace time,
a tweeter time.
all this and plenty more.......
are the games of rationalized rhymes of our time
riding on a fast track digital ride.

Gulf is covered with oil spill.
derivative games are played with money thrill.
extremists are waging war games
military industrial complex is in control
what else is left to say?
rationalize and be gay, and
fulfill the rationalized desires of the day.

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